Aussie Hero Quilts Annual Thank You Dinner – the Auction Quilts…..

Written by AHQ

30 October 2017

 I promised a separate post about the two awesome Auction Quilts we auctioned at the dinner and here it is. 
The ANZAC Themed Quilt…. 

Blocks for this quilt were made by 49 quilters from around Australia.  Calls for poppy blocks are always met very quickly as everyone is so aware of the significance of the blocks.
All blocks were gathered by Lynn F and together we decided on the overall design.  I chose the silhouette for Lynn to applique the silhouette panel from a particularly moving  photograph taken in Iraq on ANZAC Day.
The layering and beautiful quilting was then completed by Wendy F to finish the process.
Like so many of the quilts we send off this is truly a team effort that everyone was delighted to be part of.

Quilted with Poppies by Wendy F 

The Aussie Themed Quilt ……

This quilt was just stunning and the eventual winners of the Auction received an absolute prize for an exceptional price.   The emotion of an ANZAC Themed quilt and the opportunity to commission a quilt meant many were focusing on those two items but this quilt was certainly not second prize.

I put out a call requesting people make a block featuring an Aussie print with gorgeous earthy tones and kangaroos.  The brief was to make a block featuring that fabric and then send it to Sandy and the girls in Coffs Harbour. 

Once the blocks arrived Sandy and her team; Margaret, Jo, Judy, Di and Jeanette spent the morning planning and eventually came up with the design they felt would best showcase the beautiful blocks they had received.  Margaret then had the job of creating the quilt top and back.  If you can’t see your block it just may be on the back.  It was decided that just a few needed to decorate the back as well to make that special also.   Unfortunately i did not get a photo of that.  (NOTE to self…. take photos of the Auction Quilts in the morning during set up including the back!)   Jeanette then did the major part of the quilting before handing it to Sandy who added the decorative picture quilting.  Finally Jeanette added the binding and label.  

Again, another wonderful team effort! 

Till next time……. spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Mare xxx

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  1. Jacqui D

    Whoo Hoo!!! Awesome effort everyone !!

  2. kiwikid

    Two stunning quilts.


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