Weekly Despatches 16th Feb 2018

Written by AHQ

16 February 2018

Hello  to you !
I’m hoping that you had a loved up Valentine’s Day.  This could involve much love from your pet, children, husband, wife or partner.  I know that it is a commercial “thing” that many ignore, but to me it is a lovely excuse to tell someone that you love and care for them. 
I don’t think we do this, as much as we should, in everyday life. 
I’m sure that the deployed personnel realise being away from home, how much they miss the ones the love.  Lets hope the wonderful gifts that you have been making will make them feel that home is just a bit closer…

So far for 2018 we have sent off 187 quilts 

 Bringing our total since we started to over 8,602 quilts

 397 laundry bags for the year 

 Which brings us to a total of 16, 937 since we started…




Anne H

Anne H

Anne H

Anne H

Anne H

Bev F

Bev U

Bev U

Bev U
BOM’s used for the top by Nola W and Ange H quilted by Anne H



Bridget and quilted by Cath M


Caroline L

Caroline L

Caroline L

Cathie M

Cheryl DP

Cheryl DP

Cheryl R





Clarissa quilted by Alison

Clarissa quilted by Alison


Debbie N

Ellen N



Helen and Pat


Jacqui D

Jacqui D

Jacqui D

Jacqui D

Jean B

Jean B

Jean B

Jean B

Jean B

Jenny J

Jenny N

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jenny P

Jill I


Joy H

Kaye G

Kaye G

Kaye G

Kaye G

Kaye G


Leanne W

Liz J

Lyn K

Lyn K

Marilyn from Daneen’s Group

Marilyn from Dannen’s Group

Melissa L

Michele S

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

Noeleen W

I can’t seem to find the records of who made this one.. please let me know if this is yours. 

Rita M

Robyn Wh

Ruth S

Ruth S

Ruth S

Ruth S

Ruth S

Ruth S

Shirley D

Stephanie T (back)

Stephanie T (front)

Stephanie T

Su F

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Su J

Top by Cheryl and quilted by Keryn
Happy to all, for the Chinese New Year!
Year of the Dog!
Multiculturalism is great way to do more celebrating! 
For all of you born under the year of the Dog, it should be a great year!  For those who just love dogs, it is a great time too.  Their photos are appearing everywhere.
Thank you for all your hard work making wonderful gifts sewn with kindness and talent. 
Your work is outstanding.
Have a great weekend. 
We will be celebrating our Grandson’s 21st birthday on Sunday.  Wouldn’t it be great to be 21 again!
See you round like a rissole

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