Happy Mail 18 April 2018

Written by AHQ

18 April 2018

Greetings to all our wonderful Block of the Month contributors.

I have a question for you…

It’s week 3 of the month, and usually by this time each month, lots of packages containing Blocks of the Month are arriving at my house.  As they arrive, I photograph them and post them here in the Weekly Happy Mail.
But this month, I’ve only received one package and the photograph is below.

Could you please tell me…

Is the block too tricky to make?
Are the colours too restrictive?
Do you not like the colours?
Or is there some other reason you could tell me about that might have caused this drought?
I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Co******@tp*.au   

If you’d like to make this month’s block, please click here

Thank you to the following contributors for their Blocks of the Month.
These will be included in quilts for our Aussie Heroes.

Joan S

Emmy C #1

Emmy C #2

Barb F

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