Happy Tuesday Friends!
Please make sure you have the tissues on hand for this weeks Gratitude letters.
It is, as always, so nice to hear the gratitude from recipients.
Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!
Dear Sue N,
I would like to say Thankyou! The quilt and laundry bag you made for me are perfect! I have been in the Royal Australian Navy for nearly 8 years now. I’ve just posted off HMAS Stalwart over to Fleet Base West. This is due to my wife being pregnant with our 3rd child. I have 2 little angels(8 years) and (6 years) and the 3rd will be a girl. I’m sure this quilt will be with our family for years to come as it’s already been so popular. We really love what you are doing and it’s nice to know there are still some lovely people out there.
Kindest regards…
Another very happy veteran received his quilt!!!
Good morning Colleen S,
Thank you very much for the laundry bag. I received it yesterday and it is absolutely amazing!
I really appreciate it and it is perfect. Excellent work.
Thank you so much,
Good Afternoon Ruth S,I am the recipient of this beautiful laundry bag. I wanted to send an email to express my appreciation I absolutely love what you have made.I cant wait to use this at sea and will treasure this bag for the rest of my career.Thank you so much.
Dear Melissa L
I love my new laundry bag and blanket, they are both perfect. I also appreciate the AHQ and all its volunteers. It gives me great pride and warmth knowing that their’s lovely people like yourself doing this kind of work for veterans all across Australia.
It also gives me great honour to serve and sacrifice for my country and its people. It’s hard being away from family and friends I’m from Queensland and had to leave my life up there 4 years ago to come live in Sydney. But I have met a wonderful girl here and it’s nice to have family with me again. The deployments do take a toll when they keep me away from her and our beautiful doggo Nala.
Once again thank you very much for your lovely work.
Kind Regards
Hi Barbara D!
Thank you so much for my laundry bag, I absolutely love it.
The turtles are absolutely gorgeous as well and turtles have a very special meaning between me and my wife. Unfortunately we lost our son when my wife was 22 weeks pregnant. All before we knew we were having a boy, we called him Squirtle (which is a turtle based Pokemon).
Just before we had a scan to tell us about some development difficulties and most likely wouldn’t make it to term, I was snorkelling in Guam whilst on deployment and I had a turtle come right up to me before swimming away. We associate turtles to our son and now I have another turtle thing that reminds me of him day to day and I see it like he will come to sea with me. So honestly, thank you so so much.
Where we currently live we have many kookaburras and cockatoos all around. We move back to Perth next year where we’ll have plenty of lorikeets again. We have two dogs, a border collie x kelpie named Emi that Michaela has had since she was a puppy before we met, and a rescue pup (we think he’s a staffy x Labrador) named Wombat that we adopted in 2018.
Kind regards
Hello Janelle!
Thank you so much for my laundry bag I absolutely love it! It has added excitement to a mundane task whilst being away.
I am currently at sea on HMAS Stalwart. We are a replenishment ship providing stores, fuel and food to sustain other vessels sea.
I am grateful for what you have been doing for the last nine years – it really does make a difference!
Take care,
Hi Toni D,
Just wanted to let you know my laundry bag arrived safe and sound – and I absolutely LOVE it!
Thank you for your hard work, and thank you for your service J
Kind regards,
Good afternoon!
Just a quick email to let you know that the laundry bags you kindly created and sent over to us have arrived, and will be distributed to the next rotation of soldiers to visit Butterworth Base. There are some lovely designs in amongst them – I’m a little jealous I won’t get to keep one myself! Thank you so much for the blessing to our troops – it really does mean so much to know that there are people back home who are thinking of them. Some of the young soldiers who arrive have this trip as their first experience of leaving Australia. To do so knowing that they have such support is great.
Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.
Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!