Block of the Month June 2017

Written by AHQ

1 June 2017


This block has such movement!  And I know the quilts made using it will be gorgeous.
It can also be made with a red background and blue in the place of red in the above block.

just in case you think it looks difficult, look at this…

      Start with a 9 patch block……………………then add corners……………………then turn it around!

Remember that all blocks WILL BE trimmed to make them a uniform size for each individual quilt.  Any edges that are not level or even will be perfectly straight after the trimming.

Every month I am amazed as the many blocks that you send me pile up.  

T.H.A.N.K  Y.O.U

for your generosity in supplying them and giving of your finances, time and skill.
Every block is sewn into a quilt for our Heroes.  
The team who make the quilts apply their creativity and skills to meet the requests of each Recipient,  to thank them for their Service and remind them that they are 
remembered, respected and thanked by fellow Aussies.

Jan-Maree has asked us to use RED, BLUE and GOLDEN YELLOW this month.  
I think the colours look great together.  

Blocks can be made with the red and blue in the reverse positions but the golden yellow should be used in the same place with both colour ways.  Quilts made using alternating colour backgrounds look excellent.  

The fabrics can be tone-on-tone, plain fabrics, printed patterns on the red, blue and golden yellow backgrounds, geometric prints are always great, stripes and spots are too.  No pale or light blues please but preferably mid blues and darker.  

1/4 inch seam allowance should be used throughout the block


Cut 2 strips blue fabric 1 3/4 inch x about 17 inch long
Cut 1 strip golden yellow fabric 1 5/8 inch x about 17 long
Join as shown and press the seam allowances onto the golden yellow strip

Trim of a small amount to get a straight edge and then cut 4 squares x 4 inches wide

Cut one red square 4 x 4 inch for the centre of the block

Cut 2 red squares and 2 blue squares 4 3/8 x 4 3/8 inch

Place a red square and a blue square with right sides together.
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner with a pen (this will be the cutting line)
Pin either side of the drawn line as shown. 

Stitch a rows of stitching 1/4 inch from each side of the cutting line.  
Cut along the drawn line.

Open out the triangles to form a square and press the seam allowance to one side.

Lay out the 9 squares as shown and join into 3 rows.  

HINT for easier joining of the rows at the next step…
Press the seam allowances of the centre row into the centre.
Press the seam allowances of the outside rows into the triangles.

Join the 3 rows together.  The following picture shows how the seams will lock together well if pressed as described above.

Press the seam allowances of the nine patch block to one side.  

Cut 2 blue squares 8 3/8 x 8 3/8 inch and cut diagonally in half giving 4 large triangles.

Lay out the block with a large triangle on each side.

Fold a triangle in half with WRONG SIDES together and place the halfway fold at the midpoint of the golden yellow strip.  Pin together.  Open out the triangle and pin to the side.  Stitch the seam. 

Repeat for the opposite side of the block.  Press the seams into the large triangles.

Repeat for the last 2 large triangles.

This picture shows how rows will not always have straight and even sides.  When the blocks are trimmed to the required size this will be cut away so please DON’T TRIM THE BLOCKS.

The finished block!

I hope you’ve enjoyed making this block. 
If you would like to use this or any of my other BOM designs, 
for your own quilts, please do so.

Beth from Coffs Harbour used a previous BOM to make these beautiful cushions.

Thank you for contributing to the BOM project.  Our Heroes really appreciate what we do.

Remember, if you send me your email address with your blocks 
I can tell you when they’ve arrived.

Please send your blocks to

Sandy Corry
9 Wendouree Court
North Boambee Valley   NSW   2450

Until next month, when it will be getting quite chilly in Australia, 
I wish you lots of happy creating and sewing time.


PDF version of this block, can be found HERE

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