Weekly Dispatches 6th March 2020

Written by AHQ

6 March 2020

This week’s Quilts and Laundry Bags, made by volunteers all
over Australia, that have been sent off to deployed Military personnel who
had the opportunity to request whatever they wanted on their items.
Sometimes, their requests can be a little quirky!  Sometimes, easy to achieve but 
whatever they ask for, we try our best to deliver.
Volunteers choose Requests from Jan-Maree’s List that they feel they
can do.  The current List is very long as there have
been many recent deployments…this could be a good time
to jump in and have a go at making either a Quilt or a Laundry Bag.
There are Tutorials to help volunteers on the Blog and Jan-Maree is always 
happy to talk with new volunteers and get them started on something
they can manage…the stunning Crests and Badges are made by
the Embroidery Team and sent to you for inclusion in your project.
to all the volunteers
 who made these great Quilts and Laundry Bags for our Aussie Heroes.
This year so far we have sent off 255 quilts 

and that has brought our total since we started to more than 11,637 quilts

We have also sent off 420 laundry bags, bringing our total since we started to over 23,145 laundry bags
Blocks of the Month
Coffs Harbour Sewing Team
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Helen W
Anna C
Anne Hnr.
Bev U
Blocks of the Month
Coffs Harbour Sewing Team
Carolyn M
Ellen N

Ellen N
Hilary T
Jean B
Jean B
Jenny N
Jenny N
Jenny N
Lesley B
Marilyn S
Marilyn S
Melissa L
Nicole G
Robyn H
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Sue N
Sue O’D
Kathy W
Kathy W
Until next time,
…in Coffs Harbour

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