Hi to all you marvellous creative sewers
Well my year has started off with a rush, holidays now completely worn off and up to my neck at work! Oh the joy of playing catch up after you have had a holiday.
You wonderful crafty people have been beavering away.
Great work!
So far for 2018 we have sent off 64 quilts
Bringing our total since we started to over 8,462 quilts
116 laundry bags for the year
Which brings us to a total of 16,636 since we started…
Lisa K (back)
Lisa K (front)
Ruth S (back)
Ruth S (front)
Ruth S (back)
Anne and Gail quilted by Philomena
Bev F
Bev M
BOM’s embroideries (by Rhonda we think) and top assembled by Jo H and quilted by Lynn V
Cath W
Cath W
Cath W
Cath W
Cathie J
Cathie J
Challenge quilt top created by Rachel and quilted by Bridget
Ellen N
Jennifer L
Jennifer L
Jenny D
Jenny D
Jenny D
Jenny N
Jenny N
Jenny P
Jenny P
Jenny P
Jenny P
Jenny W (front and back)
Jess L
Jess L
Jess T
Jill B (back)
Jill B (front)
Kate McD
Kate McD
Kaye G
Kaye G
Lee W
Lisa K (back)
Lisa K (front)
Lynn quilted by Bridget
Lynn R-S
Lynn R-S
Lynn R-S
Mel B
Melissa L
Pamela T
Quilt to by Wendy V, quilted by Bridget, embroidery by Pennie
Rebekah R
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Ruth S
Sally R
Sue G
Sue G
Sue N
Sue N
Sue N
Sue N
Susan Pr
Susan Pr
Susan Pr
WPH ladies completed by Bridget
Thanks for all the wonderful contributions this week.
I hope that you are keeping out of the heat. Some poor parts of Australia are being cooked and other parts being rained on. So where ever you live, have a great weekend.
We are all looking forward to the Australia Day Long Weekend coming up next week. Spare a thought for those who are deployed and not able to enjoy the same activities available to us here in Australia. Make sure you plan to enjoy something special on Australia Day. Our Defence Personnel deploy to keep Australian’s safe, so we all can enjoy the freedom and pride of Australia Day.
Make your Australia Day count.
See you round like a rissole
Wonderful stuff.