Wednesday Words of Thanks 28 Dec 16

Written by AHQ

28 December 2016

Well I hope your days are nice and relaxing at the moment, at least for the glorious days as above, between Christmas and New Year. I am enjoying the unusual quiet.  Even so I put out the request list yesterday and got more response than I expected so that was a nice surprise. I have been enjoying sewing though. Have completed two quilt tops and plan to make three laundry bags today and get started on my next quilt top… problem is… when you see all the requests… which one do I choose!!!  So hard!

Still getting a few thank you messages in the mail around the country which is always welcome.


Dear Jan
I would like to send my greatest gratitude for the quilt Jen S has created for “Chicken Little”.  From my family to yours and the AHQ family, Merry Christmas and a safe New Year… your work is thoroughly appreciated world wide…. I’m so thankful for yours and your team’s tireless service.



I received my quilt this week and I was overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness and love that has gone into it.

To you and all the ladies who made it, I thank you so much. I truly love how deeply personal it is. It has buoyed my spirit, particularly at this point in my deployment and with Christmas just around the corner.

Thank you also for all the Christmas goodies. I shared them with the team too, with the caramello koalas a big fave!

See attached for some photos of my bed now. It’s hard to choose which side of my quilt I will display so I have decided to alternate it daily!!

Thank you so much.


Dear Rosemary,
Thank you so much for the quilt. I absolutely love it and it really brightens up my room.  You have an incredible talent and it is amazingly generous of you to devote so much of your time to making quilts for us.  I know that everyone over here really appreciates the beautiful quilts that you make.
Thank you for the lollies and chocolate biscuits, the banana ones are my favourites.
I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Dear Bridget,

Thank you so much for the very meaningful Aussie Hero Quilt. It was such a pleasant surprise !

We received the package a while back (not knowing what it was), we only opened it yesterday when XXXXX came home, just in time for Christmas. It is a wonderful feeling to have someone acknowledged the effort he has put into his work.

Thank you and the Jan-Maree sewing ladies for bringing comfort to the defence members and their family.

Wishing you all and Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!

Dear Julie-Ann

I write to thank you very, so very much, for your contribution not only to the RAN team in XXXXX, but for all the work you do as one of the team of AHQ.
We received the laundry bags you made and sent in early December and they have indeed been well used.
I have a more formal letter which will be sent, but I was waiting for the opportunity to get a photo (we took a good one today!).  I should be able to send this within the next week!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day.  Our absence from home over Christmas is made all the more easier that we know there are people like you who support what we do and go that extra mile with those great laundry bags and quilts.


Hi Joan,

Just wanted to send you a big thank you for my beautiful laundry Bag! You got the colours perfect and it arrived just before Christmas right as I needed something to perk me up! I absolutely love it and appreciate all the hard work you do.

Warmest regards and many thanks,


G’day Gail,

Thank you so much for the Quilt! It is so cool and I love it. I am sure it will be in my family’s possession for a long time to come. I think it’s so great that you make these quilts for deployed soldiers, sailors and airmen. We all appreciate having stuff from home that has so much heart put in to it.

Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it

Dear Clarissa

You recently made a laundry bag for me. My oh my it is just beautiful! Mine is the purple, green and ladybird themed bag with my initials. I received the parcel yesterday at work and my colleagues were there as I opened it. Everyone loves my laundry bag and commented on the high quality and the perfect choice and placement of the different colours and patterns.  

I absolutely love it to the point where I don’t want to use it as a laundry bag because it’s too good!

I enjoyed reading your letter too (with a lovely ladybird printed on it). It sounds as though you have a wonderful family and that you’re keeping yourself busy! 

Thank you so much; I understand you use your own time, skill and money to make these items for those of us deployed. It is greatly appreciated. I have to say it is wonderful to receive any type of parcel in this environment but to receive such a beautiful, hand-made, personalised item is a real treat.

I wish you and your family a wonderful and safe Christmas!

Kind regards

Dear Jean,

I am a chaplain in the United State Air Force. I am currently deployed to XXXXX where I met a wonderful chaplain from Australia, XXXX. She told me about the extraordinary gifts of laundry bags which are sent to deployed Australian military members. Then, she allowed me to pick one for myself. I chose the one which contained your name. I chose this one because I adored the pattern and colors- mostly orange which is the color of my Alma Mater, Oklahoma State University.

Thank you very much for this work of love you do. Around 200 bags! That is amazing. 

You can be very proud of your Australian service members. They are wonderful. I just returned from an evening with them enjoying an Aussie style Christmas party. I am blessed to serve along side of them, especially XXXXX. 

Thank you again for this wonderful gift, and Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Joan. 

many thanks for the laundry bag. It thinks it is great. You have done a fantastic job with it, so neatly constructed to very fine tolerance and a great surface finish inside and out. (Note: he is an engineer and Joan sent materials with pictures of small tools and mentioned these in my letter).

It is a lot closer to what I do than you might think since we have a small team of trades working for us. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and thank you for making my Christmas away from home so much brighter.

Kind Regards


Hi Sue,
Firstly thank you for taking the time to make my lovely quilt. I really appreciate you making it for me and the work that you put in for all the Defence menbers on operations. By the time you get this I will be almost home, but have had a great tour.

All the best and hope you have a good Christmas.

Dearest Sue
THANK YOU!! My absolutely BEAUTIFUL Quilt cover arrived & I absolutely Love it! 
My words can not express how grateful I am!
I love the wine glasses,coffee &shoes.
So thoughtful 
I have been on a high with happiness showing everyone. 
It is beautiful. 
You are so kind! 
All my love 

Still next time….. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!!

Jan-Maree xx

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