Just had to update this post as I just received a message from the recipient.
Just had to update this post as I just received a message from the recipient.
“Hi Jan! Even though I have letters on the way to the wonderful ladies who made my quilt and laundry bag I wanted to share a picture with your community as the making of my quilt was shared here and I thought you’d all (especially Joy) like to know it is really truly appreciated, especially now its cooling down overnight. Also it is an exciting time when any of us receive packages marked with your name and they tend to draw a crowd. Safe to say we are all impressed and awed with what this talented group of ladies can create.
Thank you!”
A Quilt’s Journey.
From my head to your hands.
Yay, its request day! Now when I started with Aussie Hero Quilts and Laundry Bags, I would scour the request list, find at least 10 that I liked, start planning designs, only to find my request had already been taken. That led me to revise my system of choosing a request. Assuming that the ones on the top of the list have been there the longest, I just send of the first 3 options and wait for a reply.
By lunchtime my assignment had been delivered, oh and by the way can you have it in the mail by the end of Oct. After a quick calculation of the number of scrap blocks I had in reserve the answer was “Yes”.
Female Superheroes—easy peasy.
I make my quilts using 5 rows of 3 blocks. I could easily cobble together 10 blocks for the outside columns and then 5 themed block down the centre.
So off to the computer to ask Mr. Google his thoughts.
Plan A. Print off some pictures on printable fabric. Google found 46,300,00 results, and who realized that all the female superheroes were quite so scantily clad and buxom. Considering the ethnic and cultural sensitivities of some of the places our recipients deploy to, maybe this was not such a good plan.
Plan B. Surely I have acquired some superhero fabric in my stash. Tweak Plan A but use themed fabric instead of printed ones. Now amongst the many boxes of fabric I have Superman, Batman, Aqua man, Spiderman, does anyone else see a theme developing?
Yes all the super hero fabric I have is male except for one small 10” square. I feel a trip to Spotlight is in order. Twenty minutes later I am standing contemplatively looking at bolts of superhero fabric and none of it includes females. So there goes plan B. Not wanting to waste my journey to Spotlight I wonder aimlessly trying to drag Plan C out of my brain. Then as I wonder past Sparties I hit on the idea of Logos.
Plan C is born, rehash Plan A with logos for the themed blocks. Now what colours do I have and what will I need. Standing in front of the homespun range I opt for red, white and blue, I know I have green and black at home, maybe I need a bright yellow and surely one will need a little pink, (sorry Jan-Maree, just can’t resist).
Back home with coffee in hand and Mr. Google is called on again to help. Only 30,800,000 results this time. Well that sure narrowed down the options. Maybe I need a Tim Tam to go with that coffee.
I have two nerdy sons, so using Facebook Messenger, I ask the question” Who are the top 5 female superheroes?’ I thought that was a fairly simple question but apparently not to a nerd.
Son 1 “That’s a loaded question”
Son 2 “ DC or Marvel?”
Sone 1 “Individual or team player”
Son 2 “Can we rank according to costume?”
Me “Bra size and cleavage are not to be used as a ranking criteria!”
Son 2 “That’s not fair”
Son 1 “You spoil all our fun, MUM”
After watching them message each other, arguing over various attributes we narrowed the list to 5. Once I had cleared up which logos to use, printed off the patterns to applique, it was time to cook dinner. Don’t you just hate it when mundane things get in the way of sewing?
Just a little time today but productively spent tracing, sticking, cutting and sticking and then sewing the applique logos on to fabric for the blocks. I am now on Plan D. Superwoman is too complex for me so I have decided to use 4 themed block and the centre one will have an Australian feel with the Aussie Hero label on it.
I visit son 2 at the local bargain shop where he works to get his opinion on my plan, only to greeted with the comment
” They’re great mum, but you do realise that they are all from DC comics”
Me” Does that matter?’
Sone 2 “Well not to me, but you should probably add some from Marvel as well”
Off to Coles for bread, milk and more Tim Tams.
Once again I consult Mr. Google and there are 5,090,000 results. Better ask the nerdy sons again, but this time I am prepared with coffee and Tim Tams on hand while I watch the discussion. Finally I have yet another 4 logos to make and Plan E is formulated. Now I will have 7 scrap blocks and 8 Logo blocks in an alternate layout
Just enough time to print off the logos and yes, I can use the pink!
Sewing day. Tracing, cutting, sticking, cutting, sewing and layering up the blocks sees the day gone and all 15 blocks ready to be put together tomorrow.
All the blocks are made, trimmed and now laid out on the lounge room floor to plan the order. Only problem is there is way too much orange. Each individual block looked good, but all together the orange is overpowering. More coffee and Tim Tams while I contemplate Plan F. Ferreting though the scrap blocks I find 5 with more of a yellow background and so that becomes the final layout.
Back to the sewing room, cut the joining strips and carefully make sure all the logos face the right way. What a disaster if one was upside down. Finally I have the blocks made into strips, check the orientation again, the strips joined together and the binding done. Now coffee and Tim Tam as I hand stich on the label.
Pictures for Jan-Maree and one sent to the nerdy sons for final approval.
Son 1 “Mum, that’s great, but you do know one is the wrong way round?’
Son 2, “Yes it should be twisted 30 degrees so it is on an angle”
Too late to change now, so I decide to play the Amish card. They believe that only God is perfect and so add a deliberate mistake to all their quilts.
Now all is left is to package it up, add the Tim Tams. Where did I put that packet of Tim Tams?
Great story Joy… and by the way… I am a great believer (and user) of the Amish Card!!!
Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx
Love it!
Wonderful story.
That sounds so familiar… love it!