Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College, The Entrance Campus was given the great opportunity to make laundry bags for deployed service men and women. Sharon French, owner of Morningstar Longarm Quilting, is a regular volunteer mentor to our senior textile quilt making students for their HSC Major Textiles Projects. She offered the teacher, Michelle Timperley and her textile classes the opportunity to make laundry bags as a way of giving back to the community and a positive way of doing volunteer work. Sharon met with Michelle and organised fabrics which have been donated previously to the school from deceased local quilting citizens. THey spent two days creating packs containing pre-cut bag pieces and drawstrings.
The students were offered the last day of school of term 3 to work all day on the bags. 9 bags were finished to a high standard by the students. Most of the students were year 11 textile students, however, three students were from year 12. Even though the year 12s had finished and left school earlier that week, they still wanted to come in and make laundry bags for the deployed service people. This demonstrates the love and dedication of these passionate textile students. They even want to be invited back next year to participate in this event.
One male student happened to be passing the classroom and got special permission by his teachers to attend the day even though he was not a textiles student. He was very keen and excited to begin sewing laundry bags and his stitching was perfect. All students listened very carefully to Sharon’s guidance and finished the first lot of their bags early in the day. Some students then continued on to making a second bag. There was much comradery within the room with students sharing stories of their elders and friends of their families who fought in war. They expressed their thanks and gratefulness of these men and women who spent so much time away from their families, helping others overseas.
Sharon French does the quilting for some of the quilts made by Sharon Nesbitt (another member of the Aussie heroes team) and during one weekend where all three ladies happen to be down in Berry on a retreat, laundry bags were made and the idea of offering it to 16-18 year old textile students to do on the last day of school was born. Michelle then wrote a submission to her school and the principal and executive staff were very excited to host this initiative.
By the end of the day all volunteers were exhausted and very happy. They kindly wrote letters on the back of postcards the school has been using to promote events within the school environment. The teacher’s email was written on the bottom of each card so that the receiver of the bag could write an email to the student if they wish.
Michelle and Sharon’s plans are to promote the event for next year through the school newsletter and Facebook page to ask quilters in the community to donate suitable fabrics ready for the last day of school in term 3 next year.
The Entrance Campus wishes to thank Sharon French for donating her time and efforts in helping the students give back to the community and provide a service for the deployed people overseas.
The students involved are listed below….
Naomi Box
Chloe Eves
Taryn Gorton
Ashley Frame
Rhea Metcalf
Peter Hammond
Erin Hagan
Thanks so all concerned, it is wonderful to see the students getting involved and great to see teachers and community members working together to make it happen!
You guys are awesome!
Thank you!
Jan-Maree xx
What a fantastic idea and outcome by staff, students and volunteers, well done!
Well done to the students and their supporters, great to see.
What a great effort and well done to the kids. Keep it up Tuggerah