Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for laundry bags in a hurry on Facebook. It is so good to be able to thank at least some of our troops who have responded to the need that Cyclone Debbie created. More info next week but if you are not a facebooker and want to make a MASCULINE laundry bag or two and can get it to me by five o’clock on Wednesday then go right ahead. It would be much appreciated.
Email me for details.
Tonight you will have to be patient. I have a trainee coming over to learn how to put up the Weekly Dispatches post. It will be up later. I figured the best way for her to learn was to do the real thing and because she works she has to do it after hours… and after we have eaten dinner as we are both starving.. so standby … it will come but it will be late.
Jan-Maree xxx
Good luck 😉
Good stuff. All the best for the trainee.
Good Luck, trainee :o)