Greetings all,
I am a bit late putting this up but I was flat out with Christmas, the New Year and then prepping to go on holidays.
Here is a report from Cassandra.
On a beautiful summery Canberra day, eight of us met at our usual venue, the Southern Cross Club in Woden, for excited chatter, show and tell, food and drinks. We have been meeting up to exchange fabric and news for two years now and we have all enjoyed it.
If anyone in the region is interested in joining us, please come along on any of our dates next year: 1 February, 5 April, 7 June, 2 August, 4 October or 6 December. We meet at 10 am at the Woden Southern Cross Club. There is no agenda but we do love to see what you have made. So where possible we have show and tell, of not only AHQ quilts but also personal ones. Ideas for easy “background blocks” for attaching the flags and embroideries to are always welcome too. We also bring along fabric which might be useful to others. There is usually a lively exchange going on. AHQ quilts are shown around on the phone; some of the interpretations of the requests are really wild and very inspiring.
All in all, it was a very productive year and we are looking forward to meeting again in the New Year, although we will miss Roz who is Toowoomba bound.
Kind regards,