Thanks on Thursday and Bertha’s birthday surprise

Written by AHQ

5 September 2013

Greetings on a lovely warm Spring day here in Sydney.  

I have a special little update to share tonight.  Remember that a few weeks ago Bertha, of the Old Bags and the Dags, turned 101.  I asked the lovely people in Dubai if they could send her a birthday card!  Well they went well above and beyond the call of duty and sent her a photo collage and a signed card.  It has been framed and Bertha sent a message back to the troops to say thank you.  You can read more, written by Margaret (their supervisor) and dictated by Betha
Left to Right in the photo – Brett,Bertha’s grandson who works at the Aged Care Facility, Bertha and Julie DDON  (Dept Dir Of Nursing?)

Bertha’s message to all the troops that gave her a beautiful gift for her birthday…

This is the best present she has ever had.She would like to be able to thank them personally but she knows that is impossible as they are too far away..but wants them to know they are all amazing people to give the time to put together such a wonderful gift,it was something she said you could not even dream about.  It has taken pride and place on her wall as you enter her room.  Bertha asked if it could be hung there so that everyone that enters her room can see this beautiful photo and messages that she received from some great Australians serving our country proud and that she sends her love to you all.  And prays you all return to your loved one  soon and stay safe..

Bertha has said today that when she passes she wants this photo hung on the wall in Heritage Lodge beside the ANZAC’s memorabilia.  This is a area in our facility for all RSL personal.  We have an Australian flag that was hand made by the Prisoners of War along with other  memorabilia all under security surveillance.

Does that not do your heart good!!!

If you have not caught up with who the Old Bags and the Dag are then you need to check  them out here!

And we received lots of gorgeous thank you messages too – enjoy!

Hi Jan-Maree

Well gosh what can I say….I got my quilt today and I LOVE IT. Thank you so much to yourself and Lesley for it. It reminds me of home and is exactly me to a tee.

The quilt is something I will treasure for the rest of my career as a very fond memory of those back home that loved supported all of us over here.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Hi Jan-Maree,

                         I received my quilt and laundry bag in the mail yesterday. They were made by a lovely lady by the name of Pam O from the “Sit & Sew Group”. It was a very pleasant surprise to get a gift in the mail. I have attached two photos of me with my quilt and laundry bag. Not enough thanks can go to all the volunteers back home for all the top quality work they do for us boys. Can you please pass these photos onto Pam and her group and let her know there will be a letter in the mail to say thank you.
Cheers from Afghanistan

(Waiting for permission to publish the photos.  Permission to pass photos on to the quilters is not the same thing.)

Dear Liz,
Thank you so much for your beautiful quilt and laundry bag. I love it!
The quality is superb and the pattern is something that I would have chosen myself. Well done!
It is humbling to know that there are people such as yourself back home supporting us with such generous gifts. It really does make us proud to be Australian.  Please take comfort in the fact that we are all safe and doing a fantastic job here. The ladies and gents that I work with are truly amazing!
I have attached a photo and as you can see I can’t wipe the smile off my face! I am a WA boy myself and have family that have lived in XXXXX for over 40 years. A nice coincidence.
I will cherish your gifts for years to come and ensure that my own family know the level of support we are receiving from kind individuals such as yourself. The family does worry, but they are also proud of our achievements so far. Hopefully our mission is successful and all here at XXXX can return safely home in time for Christmas.
Thank you again and I wish you all the best of luck and good health in all your future endeavours.

Yours Sincerely

Waiting for permission on this photo too.

The next thank you is from the fellow who received this Block of the Month quilt.  He loves aircraft, blue and bright and cheerful.  I backed his quilt with two meters of aircraft dial fabric (also used in the binding) that Liz B donated as well.

Hi Jan-Maree, 

I just wanted to send you a short note of thanks for my bright surprise that rocked up this past week. 

I really love my quilt and appreciate the personal touches that you placed into it for me. It certainly did fit the bill and it is something I will treasure, as will my daughter who I plan to give it too when I return. 

I can’t really say thank you enough from our end. As I mentioned in my earlier emails, our diggers open their packages in great delight and the quilts are always displayed around for people to see. The laundry bags are also a favourite and a hit in the laundry here at AMAB. 

Again – thanks for the bottom of my heart for my gift. 


Good Morning Ladies,

I just wanted to send you a quick thank you email for the laundry bag that I received. It’s always a great feeling when the postie hands out the mail and there is something in there for you…….always brightens your day. I have been serving on OP SLIPPER for three months now and miss home and my husband and kids more and more everyday. I keep very busy so the days seem to fly buy which helps a lot. My home town is XXXXX, on the South Coast of NSW and I know that Spring is in the air and the gardens will be blooming………would love to be home to smell the flowers…….

Anyway, enough about that, work to be done. Thanks again so much, I will be able to put it to good use over here, it’s so hot that I am washing everyday of the week.

Take care and God Bless.


G’day Stephanie,

I’m an Army Officer currently serving in Afghanistan. I have been here for about 4 months now and receiving your bright laundry bag today was a great pick me up and has added some much needed colour to what is a very beige environment here haha. 
Thank you again for your lovely gift and support of our mission over here.
Warmest Regards,

This one for Julie Ann

I have received my laundry bag. It is fantastic thank you so much you have done such a good job.

I would really enjoy the quilt as well and will use it. 


I received your quilt today, it is fantastic! I really appreciate the work you have done to support me and they guys I work with here, it is a great morale boost. I picked up my laundry today and proudly walked back to my room with the laundry bag you gave me, also still being very appreciated.
Keep up the great work,
God bless,

Here is a little story that Julie Ann told me over the phone and I asked her to write it down so I could share it with you!    I think you will love it too!

“I had to post three parcels of Laundry Bags today and I went to the Post Office at Tea Tree Plaza (here in Adelaide).

As I approached the shopping center doors, there were two young soldiers, collecting for Legacy.

Whilst I was getting money to donate, I casually indicated to the bag with the packages in it and told them that I was sending them to Afghanistan to the troops.

One of the soldier’s asked if I had someone over there, and I replied “ No, I just make them and send on behalf of Aussie Hero Quilts” then the other soldier says

“ I received a quilt and laundry bag when I was there. Thank you very much madam.”- very excitedly. It made my day.

I may not have personally made that young soldier’s quilt and laundry bag, but I felt as though I had.

Julie Ann”

Okay, so it is Thursday night so that means here is the list of those who have sent quilts and laundry bags off this week.  If you are not on this list and think you should be please let me know.

Julie Ann
Pam Y
Stephanie D
Stephanie T
Sue F
Sue N

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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  1. Sue Niven

    Awesome stuff as always. Love it all.

  2. Jeann of Melton

    What a lovely gesture to Bertha from those serving in Dubai


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