Weekly Dispatches 6 September

Written by AHQ

6 September 2013

Two new mile stones have been passed tonight!

We have sent over 1000 quilts for 2013 – 

remember we didn’t quite mate it to 1000 in 2012 and it is only just early September and we have done more than a 1000 quilts for this year. 
we have now officially sent over 2000 quilts in total!

Great job everyone!

Before we start off tonight’s show and tell of quilts and laundry bags that have hit the post this week I just had to share a picture from last night’s messages.  This is one of the photos that I was waiting for permission to publish.  I just figured that nice happy smile was a great way to start the weekend!  I think I would be smiling too if I had just received one of Liz’s lovely quilts out of the blue!  Above the photo is his response to my request to publish his picture.

Hi Jan-Maree,

Firstly, thank you so much for the time and effort you put in for us. It is the amazing people such as yourself and your merry band of assistants that make being away from home that little bit easier!

I would be happy for you to share my picture on your blog and facebook page. I was surprised to see so many familiar faces on there already!

The tally so far  – 

29 quilts this week and 55 laundry bags.

1020 quilts and 1876 laundry bags for 2013.

2027 quilts and 3240 laundry bags in total.

Let’s start off with some team work seeing as AHQ is such a great team of people.  First up a Block of the Month Quilt.

And another Block of the Month quilt

And this one – mostly cut out by me, top sewn by Rita C at a sewing day at my home, quilted by Trina and bound by Judith. 

This is made by Joy from Blocks of the Month sent and passed to her to make the quilt. 


Had to wait till this quilt by Debbie was received as we knew the recipient was following the Facebook page we did not want to spoil the surprise.

Another by Debbie

Julie Ann

Some of the 30+ laundry bags that Julie Ann has sewn for the fellows from 17 Construction Squadron.


Top pieced by Julie and quilted by Stephanie T




Lisa B


I did the applique for this one and Lynn made the quilt top up.

And Belinda quilted it  – check out the horses!




Pam Y

Sandra and Lorraine are responsible for this Wounded Warrior Quilt.  These two have been friends for years.  Sandra credits Lorraine for saving her life when her Vietnam Veteran husband passed away in years gone by.  Sandra has been able to repay the favour more recently when Lorraine was diagnosed with cancer.  Lorraine actually had a bunch of these hand made panels and was about to throw them out until Sandra found out about them.  There will be more of these lovely panels featured in quilts to come.  
How special are they!

I might also add that Sandra was in the process of giving up quilting all together ……… and then she read about us in Australian Patchwork and Quilting and that has completely rekindled her passion for quilt!   I have not actually kept count but so far I think she has made more than ten quilts…..and still going!  
Aren’t we lucky!


Stephanie D

Stephanie T

Sue N



Sue F

All the very best for a great weekend folks. Looking forward to seeing those who are joining us for our sewing day on Sunday at Penrith Patchwork.

Till next time…………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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  1. Sue Niven

    Great work all round everyone and what a fantastic effort on the new mile stone!

  2. Jeann of Melton

    A great big pat on the back for all those who have contributed to the wonderful totals for quilts and laundry bags.
    I really enjoy seeing the variety of fabrics used for the bags in particular.


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