Two more sleeps until the dinner and I will be packing my car tonight and ready to head off tomorrow. I promise there will be lots of photos and I will try and write as much about it as I can when I get home.
For now though, time to enjoy these great messages….
Dear Noeleen
Thank you so much for the laundry bag. I received it a week or two ago however I have been quite remote.
It’s fantastic and certainly says Australia!!!! You will be happy to know I’ve been absolutely dirty as out on task and the laundry bag is being put under the pump.
Please see bellow the most amazing laundry bag in action, keeping my washing safe…
I am still away and maybe for some time.
It will be used for as long as physically possible.
You ladies rock
Kind & grateful regards
Dear April
Please find attached a picture of myself with your awesome quilt. It is amazing and
I am so happy to have received it. Now that it is drawing into winter I am soo happy to have it to keep me warm on these cold nights. As the person in charge as well I would like to extend my deepest thanks to yourself on behalf of my soldiers who have also received a quilt. I walked up the other day and saw them all draped over beds and people bragging about how good theirs is. You have definitely brought some smiles to our base!
I wish all the best for your future endeavours and hope all goes well!!
Kind Regards
Dear Cath W
Thank you for kind gift last Anzac Day 2016. It was much appreciated and an amazing surprise to receive such a personal gift from person I had never met. It was in fact practical as well ; as although currently over 50c it was cold in April in the desert of Iraq. I will keep this gift always. It has had a good wash to remove the endless dust.
My family sends their regards and in these times where serving soldiers sometime have varied reception from some, it is very great honour to receive your personal support. I am honoured to serve as an Australian Army Soldier.
Good afternoon Lisa,
Thank you so so much for the gorgeous quilt and pack of goodies, also for telling me about your lovely family and the great pics of the locals in your life.
I was hoping I would be able to attend the annual dinner to meet you in person however I won’t be able to make it this year as I’ll be recovering from knee surgery. However I do thank you so much for all the gorgeous items you sent me.
Thank you again so much, best wishes to you and your family.
Kind Regards
G’day Janis,
I had just received your beautifully handcrafted quilt and laundry bag only last night.
I personally wanted to thank you and the other ladies of your organisation for all your time and efforts.
If you could only see the joy your patch working has done for morale. A bunch of grown men and women turn into kids on a Christmas morning is how I would best describe it.
And yes, the Eureka movement with its flag is a very inspiring story. Peter Fitzsimon’s points of view on the movement and the flag are very spot on.
“Fight the Power” is just a modern take in a similar vain to what those diggers stood for those years back.
I am a little bit of a ‘lefty’ with views against corporate greed. But that’s politics! Who wants to talk about such boring matters!
Also a Victorian, a Melbournian to be exact.
My best wishes to your family, which seems to be growing by the day!
Once again a big THANKYOU for your handicrafts for all of us. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated by all of us here in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Dear Kim,
I am writing to you to say thank you for the lovely laundry bag that you made. It was wonderful to receive it, and very coincidental as well.
I was presented with your laundry bag because some of the troops here have taken to calling me Batman, a reflection of my sometimes serious nature – “Why so serious Batman”. Anyway it gets a bit of a laugh and that’s the whole point of the name. So the timely arrival of your Batman inspired laundry bag has added to the humour considerably.
It is pleasing to note that there are people at home who are supportive of who we are and what we are doing. From your note I see that you know from first hand experience what absences mean and how it feels. I cannot offer you anything in return for your gift, but please know that it will be kept safe and treasured for many years to come.
Kindest regards,
Hello Kim.
Thank you very much for the laundry bag and goodies! They certainly put a smile on my face and the bag is a lot more durable than my old pillowcase.
I’m glad to hear that Jan Marie is back up and running, the quilts and other items are great.
Again, thanks for the bag, its made things a bit more homely.
Warm regards.
Dear Rae
A short note of thanks for the beautiful quilt and laundry bag as well as the treats.
I couldn’t have imagined what the Quilt might look like when I first put in my request, but it has exceeded my expectations. I have sent the quilt home and it will be something that will be treasured.
I am coming to the end of my deployment and cannot wait to get home for Christmas to see my wife and other family.
I send you my heart felt thanks for the time you have spent making the quilt and your kind words in the letter. The time and effort you have put into making the quilt is greatly appreciated.
Thank you and kind regards
Dear Rae,
Your quilt arrived a few weeks ago now however I was in the middle of moving jobs. – so it was a very hectic period. I have now settled into this new job which I am filling temporarily. I was due to go home at the end of Sep, however the Australian in this job needed to go home to do a course for his job next year. So I have to say, whilst enjoying the new challenge and professional development, I have started counting down to when I can return home in early December.
I loved hearing about your family and your home. It was a personal touch that made me think of home, all the other families doing it tough and that there are people in Australia who are aware of our plight over here and that we are making a difference and that they do care. Whilst it was my intent to give the quilt to my son on my return, I love it too much and it’s my little bit of a reminder of my nearly 12 mths in Afghanistan, so it will be staying with me (good thing I barrack for the Brumbies!) – I think I will always appreciate it more and will have a story to tell behind how I was so generously gifted it. I love the mix of bold colours – the different variances of yellow incl the gold and how it all blends together. And most of all I appreciate the thought you put into it and so graciously gifted it to me, someone you don’t even know.
Thanks so much for your gift to me, I will always treasure it. I hope your family are all well and I’ll keep my eye out for your son when I pass through the UAE on my way out – if he is still there. And the goodies were put to good use !!!
Thanks again
Kindest Regards
Firstly I would like to apologise for not getting in touch with you sooner.
Thank you so much for the Laundry bag. I recently got in touch with Aussie Hero Quilts requesting the same for my replacements who are due anytime now. The ducks always gets a chuckle from the guys whenever I have to do laundry. Although it is something small it is a reminder that there are people back at home thinking about us and are appreciative of our service outside of our immediate families.
As you shared a little about you I would like to share a little about myself. I joined the Army in 2011 and this is my second deployment. Being from Victoria I don’t really support any particular rugby team but I guess now I have reason to choose one so GO WARATAHS!!!!!
I too have many family members that have served in the ADF and I enjoy both training and competing in combative sports such as boxing, kick boxing, Jiu Jistu and wrestling.
Good on the old man for continuing to march and I am thankful for his legacy that we today hold close to out hearts.
Thank you again and I wish you, your family and your chickens all the best for the future.
Dear Robyn,
Thank you for such a wonderful quilt, it really was exactly what I imagined and perfectly timed too. Please thank your son for all his help in making it. God continues to keep me safe and well over here, I thank you for all of your prayers.
It is just starting to get cold here, we are anticipating snow in the next month which will be a first for me.
I hope this letter finds you safe and well enjoying the bounty of God’s grace and preparing for a warm summer and Christmas. May God bless you and keep you safe.
I received my quilt with its very nice letter from you the other day, and I just wanted to send you a reply with my deep appreciation.
Not only was I amazed by the quilt, I was very touched by it. My grandmother (who is 89) is a dedicated quilter, and has been for many years. She has made several quilts for my wife and I, who do our best to wear them out. They get used an awful lot. I’ve not sent her a picture yet (mostly because she doesn’t use technology), but I know she will really like the quilt. I’m curious to know, however, how did you know about the bombs? I’m an Engineer, but also an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician, which means I deal with bombs and unexploded ordnance. I had a really good laugh when I saw the quilt, because EOD technicians describe bombs as “angry bombs” (which is a bomb you have tried to do a procedure on that failed or did not work), or “sad bombs” (which is a really old, rusted, or poorly put-together bomb) or “unhappy bombs” (which is when the bomb is utilised or emplaced incorrectly). You could not have made a more perfect quilt for an EOD technician.
I was also very touched by your letter. I have been to South Australia a couple times, when the Army has taken me to do training. I’ve traveled the highway up to Port Augusta from Adelaide quite a few times – I feel like that road and I have a love-hate relationship. North-bound, I really dislike it, because I’m going to do training at Cultana, which, truth be told, isn’t my favourite place. South-bound, however, I’m overjoyed, because I’m done with training and I’m going to be flying home any time.
Again, thank you so much for the quilt. We will treasure it. I’ve no doubt it will be well-loved long after it turns into threads.
Thanks again
G’Day Felicity,
Thanks very much for the quilt you have made for me. I am not sure how many of these you make, but I have the one with scissors in the back and Aussie slogans all over it.
It will be a welcome addition to my living space.
Thank you for the kind letter and for showing your support of the deployed ADF members.
We really do appreciate it
And for those of you who did not see this on Facebook,
here is a new photo from HMAS Perth.

Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching.
Jan-Maree xx
Lovely stuff indeed.