Weekly Dispatches 3 May

She thought she had managed to sneak in a birthday without me noticing!!!  But no such luck, today, while I sat in my doctor’s waiting room, waiting my turn to have a flu needle, I had time to scroll through some of the many blogs I rarely get time to read...

Thanks on Thursday

Hi all.  Do you know what this is?This is a new roll of batting which is what goes inside the quilts between the top of the quilt and the back of the quilt to give it some warmth.  This roll will provide enough batting for at least 30 quilts. I say at least...

Happy Mail Wednesday

Guess what tomorrow is!  The big reveal of the blocks for the The Inaugural Aussie Hero Friend Dinner Challenge Block.   Woo Hoo! But that is tomorrow night!  For tonight we have some happy mail to share or all sorts of varieties.Julie Ann sent me...

Happy mail 28 November

You are up Naomi!Thanks Jan-Maree, boy is it hot in SA this week, or is it just me?  I think it’s just hot….for those guys and gals overseas, a bit cooler than here….it’s going to be 44′ here tomorrow…YIKES.Anyway, without...

Happy Mail 21 November

Hi again folks, I’ll try uploading the Happy Mail for this week, I did it earlier, Blogger didn’t like it, prematurely published the post for us, and then deleted all my hard work…..grrrrrrrrrrrr  I only realised that it had deleted everything...