Monday Messages….and Show and Tell

Written by AHQ

28 April 2014

First up today some reminders about the two sewing days coming up.  The first one is at my home on this Wednesday.    We start around 10am and go through till about 3-ish.  we will probably be doing some binding and odds and ends this week – not very exciting but it has to be done.  The next sewing day will be in Penrith at Penrith Patchwork on Sunday.  Again the start time in 10am and we finish at 2pm (3pm depending on the store).  There may still be binding to do but I will have some other things like laundry bags to do as well.  Email me, call me or PM me on facebook if you need any details. 

Oh and if you can’t sew….I still have plenty you can help me with.

Now a bit of a story for you about spreading the word.

AHQ Friend, Debra ,S exhibited 2 AHQs at the Roma Patchwork & Crafters Inc., Quilt show in Roma Qld over the Easter weekend.  

There were certainly some beautiful quilts on show!

 Oh look there is one of ours!  Anyone recognise their BOM blocks?

There were 2 quilts with an AHQ blurb on display.

As she had a recipient name for the Wallabies quilt, she had placed note paper out for people to leave a message of support if they wished. 

They didn’t disappoint and the pile of messages has been added to the parcel to be sent on Monday.

These 2 quilts definitely raised the profile of AHQ in Roma & she has had a few people ‘hunt’ her out to say thank you for the contribution we are making to our soldiers.  Her local RSL was ‘shocked & stunned’ that people with seemingly no connection to the military would want to be doing this.  They are hoping to add AHQ to their local service information.

Not only a great job displaying the quilts and spreading the word Debra but also a great job writing it up for me to share and taking the photos!  Anyone else who wants to follow in Debra’s footsteps feel free.  No matter how you spread the word it all helps!

Thanks Debra! 
And finally….. a message for Michele 

Hee Hee you didn’t think I knew did you!

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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