Happy mail 26th November

Written by AHQ

26 November 2014

Hi everyone
What an eventful week it’s been … One I’ll remember for a long time.
Looks like lots of you have been busy too judging by the lovly bunch of mail that has arrived this week.
Here are all the beauties.
These first two are from Laura Y, who tells me she has just found us. What a great first effort.

Lovely blocks from Deb F

Pretty ones from C Le Maitre

Lovely ones from Aniko P

Julie Ann has sent these ones

Great bunch from Dorothy C

I hope you’ll agree with me that I did get some lovely mail to share. I think that some of the other ladies from today’s post maybe new contributors as I don’t recognise the names, if so welcome and thanks for joining in.
Til next time.
Happy Stitching.

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    They are all great blocks, well done everyone.


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