
Written by AHQ

17 September 2013

G’day all.

A few bits of business before you get to read all the lovely thank you messages for tonight so please bear with me.

First up the Mystery Quilts.

Debbie has kindly volunteered to applique a 16 x 16 piece to go in the centre of each quilt so that cuts the number of blocks needed for each quilt down to 28.  I can still use a few more for each if anyone is interested.  The “My Little Pony” has been changed to generic little girly princesses, fairies and mermaids as no “My Little Pony” fabric could be found.

The block for both is the BOM for this month but feel free to use any method as long as you end up with a block that is 8 1/2 ” or 8″ finished.

Quilt Number 1  Edited Version

Princesses, fairies and mermaids!  Gorgeous!  The preferred colours for this quilt are pink and white.  Please no dark pinks  – medium to light tones and let’s pretty much stick to pink and white, small additions of other colours but nothing very strong please.

Quilt Number 2

This little girl likes pink and purple.  No dark colours please.  Lets keep it all soft or medium tones please.  There is no theme for this quilt so you can have some pretty little girly fun with it!

Please email me or facebook me and let me know how many blocks you would like to make.  I need a maximum of 28 four patches for each quilt please.

Dont forget to check out our Silent Auction – details are here.  If you are on facebook I would love it if you could go to the post I write about it on Saturday and share it on your facebook page to get the widest possible coverage.  Give your mates a chance to win t!

So now to the thank you messages for tonight.

Dearest Joan & Rob,

My husband briefly returned from Afghanistan with a wonderful laundry bag you sent. It has Noah’s Ark on it and our children were delighted to see it. It’s people like you that make the world a better place. Thank-you from ‘ The XXXXX ‘ currently posted in Adelaide SA.

Kind regards…..

Dear Liz and Brian,

Thank you for your generosity in making such a fabulous quilt for me.
I will treasure this quilt with great pride. It will not only be a reminder of the work
we have done in Afghanistan but also a symbol of the unwavering support the
Australian public bestows on it’s troops. I am most honoured to receive such a gift
and I can assure you that the efforts of the Aussie Hero Quilts organization are highly
appreciated by the 17th Construction Squadron Contingent.

With much Thanks, 


Good afternoon Jan-Maree,

Thankyou for the amazing quilt! It has arrived here safely. I really appreciate the effort you went to so it would make it in such a short period if time. It looks fantastic and will certainly became very important to me. Can you please also pass on my thanks to Lynn and Stephanie, the quilt is beautiful!!

Your group does an amazing job and it truly is appreciated.

Thanks again

Hello Jan-Maree,
        I’m sorry for not getting back to you sooner, yes I received my quilt safe and sound last week. Thank you very much! I like it a lot and appreciate the effort that must have gone into it. Please also extend my gratitude to Louise, Stephanie and Chelle.

I would also just like to say good on you and everybody else involved with Aussie Hero Quilts, It’s warming to know that our service over here is appreciated. Aussie Hero Quilts is a great idea and I wish you all the best with it!! 
The following was written on a card sent to Karen.

Dear Kiwi Karen

Thank you so much for the beautiful quilt and laundry bag.  
Its good to know people back home are thinking of us.

Take care


Hello Stephanie,
I am the lucky recipient of your laundry bag and biscuits. The bag arrived safely in the Middle East to begin its tour of duty. The bag has been put to work with a load of mismatched socks and sweat ridden t-shirts.
Laundry bags are very useful to us here because we need to wash our clothes every second day as the temperatures are above 40’c. I, being from Tasmania, don’t take kindly to the heat so I make good of the wash facilities here so I can feel fresh for the first 30 minutes a day.
I thank you for your time, effort and most importantly your support.

All my best


This thank you message refers to a quilt made by Sandra P and sent to me to send off.

Dear Jan-Maree,

I am an officer serving overseas and I am just writing to say thank you for the quilt. I was touched when i was given the quilt it is very well made and has made my bunk much more comfy and homely. The issued blankets are pretty tatty and so when i saw the poster about the quilts i was interested.  It is brown on one side and has what I would describe as an autumn pattern of different hues of tan and brown against cream on the other. It is classy and very warm. I’m not sure what else to say except that I truly appreciate this gift and wanted to just say that I think you and the other people involved in your team are a special bunch who make me proud to serve, and I think it is wonderful and so generous of you to give these quilts when you obviously put so much heart and soul into making them. Thank you so much,

Many thanks and warm regards,

Hello Pam,

I have just received the lovely laundry bag that you made for me, thank you very much. It will come in handy here and back home when I go on course interstate from Brisbane where I’m posted to.

If you’ve forgotten, my laundry bag was the orange and black one with my name embroidered on the side. (looks great!!)

I am 2 & 1/2 months into my 8mth deployment and although the days and weeks are starting to go by quickly, they could probably go a bit quicker for my liking.

Just the other day I got my second opportunity to go into the city of Dubai and have a look around with some mates, we spent most of our time at Dubai Mall (one of the largest malls in the world). It’s good to get off the base every now and then and let your hair down and relax a little.

Thanks Again

Hi Pam,

I just wanted to say thank you for your letter and gorgeous laundry bag. It was such a surprise and really made my day. A lot of the other guys here have received quilts and laundry bag and they are very appreciated – and well used too 🙂

I just want to let you know that your quilts and laundry bags do make a difference here and are much appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to sew the bag and write me a letter.

Kind regards,


Let me start by saying a big thank you for my laundry bag. It was a great surprise. I apologise for the delay in email. I have been in another place for the last month and my mail was not forwarded as they knew I would return. We appreciate all the hard work quilters do for our soldiers, sailors and airmen. It is always a joy to see the smile on their faces when they get their quilt or laundry bag. Once again thank you for your time and hard work.


Hi Pam,

Thank you very much for the laundry bag, it is so beautiful! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into making this for me.

You are an amazing woman. 

XXXXX will enjoy the Defence Force. I have had a great time, I have met great people and I have been able to travel for work. I wish XXXX all the best with Defence.


Good evening Pam,

I would just like to say a very big thank you for the wonderful laundry bag that you took the time to make and send to me. It is greatly appreciated.

I hope the weather is starting to warm up in XXXX, it’s starting to cool down a bit here. Winter should be fun ha ha.  I’m originally from Albany in Western Australia, am really looking forward to going back there for new years if we get back in time.

All the best for the remainder of the year and into the new one. Thanks again for the laundry bag.


Hi Steph, 

just letting you know i’m now the proud owner of a custom laundry bag. Thanks very much for the time and effort you have put in, it’ll get heaps of use here and in Australia.

kind regards, 


Hi Joan & Robin.

I’m currently deployed to Afghanistan.   I received a laundry bag in the mail the other day and would like to thank you both very much, not only for taking the time and effort to make all of the bags and quilts but also for the support you’ve shown and continue to show us whilst we’re away from home.

This being my third deployment to Afghanistan, I can assure you that receiving something in the mail that someone has gone to the trouble of hand making truly does help brighten the days spent away from friends and family.

Thank you again for your ongoing support.

Kind regards,


Good Morning Ladies,

I just wanted to send you a quick thank you email for the laundry bag that I received. It’s always a great feeling when the postie hands out the mail and there is something in there for you…….always brightens your day. I have been serving on OP SLIPPER for three months now and miss home and my husband and kids more and more everyday. I keep very busy so the days seem to fly buy which helps a lot. My home town is XXXX, on the South Coast of NSW and I know that Spring is in the air and the gardens will be blooming………would love to be home to smell the flowers…….

Anyway, enough about that, work to be done. Thanks again so much, I will be able to put it to good use over here, it’s so hot that I am washing everyday of the week.

Take care and God Bless.

Julie Ann,

I received the laundry bag in Saturdays mail. When I saw it was from AHQ, I was so excited. I carefully opened the package, thinking and imagining what it would look like….when I pulled out the bag and had a look I almost cried. It is an awesome bag and I was thrilled….and oh look, so lollies and COFFEE!!!! But wait, there’s more…a letter (who doesn’t love a letter) I open the letter (while chewing on a Werthers Original) and read. You said that you were given the honour of making this item for me…well, the honour is all mine for someone with the dedication and open heart to do this time and time again for an unknown Service Member. 
Thank you again for the gift and I am over the moon….can’t wait for the quilt! I have taken a photo of the laundry bag and will post it to the AHQ Facebook page today. 


Dear Stephanie,

I have recently returned from an operational tour to Afghanistan with the Australian Army. Whilst deployed I was fortunate enough to receive a laundry bag that you had made. Now that I’m home safely I wanted to take a moment to say thank you very much! Your bag was a wonderful morale boost and has since been put to use many times over! The new bag has replaced my old, and no where near as nice, bag and will travel with me whenever I am away from home with work.

Once again thank you very much for your support, it is very much appreciated.

Warmest regards,

The following refers to a quilt top that Louise made and Stephanie quilted and I sent off.

Hi Jan-Maree,

Sorry about the late reply. I just spoke to the Chaplain and he has told me that you haven’t received any of my e-mails. Third time lucky?

Thankyou very much for my quilt! I received it and everyone was very jealous! It is my pride and joy and I bring it down to the cafe to watch the Sydney Swans games and I like to think that it’s helped them get as far as they have so far!!

Unfortunately I don’t have a picture just yet but I have spoken to one of the Photographers on board and they are keen for my idea. I think they are going to get a group of everyone and individuals at once. As soon as I have it, I will send it to you.

Again, thankyou for this wonderful gift. It sure does make a difference to the moral of the deployment.


And remember that mega sewing day we had at Hobbysew when 50ish laundry bags were made?  Well here is the first thank you message.


I am currently in Tarin Kowt Afghanistan and I received one of your Laundry bags made by the ladies at Hobbysew. I would like to thank all involved and I appreciate the effort involved. It is a great morale boost knowing people at home care. I have been in the defence force for 16 years and this is my first non issued laundry bag, I imagine I will get many years of use out of it. I enjoy dirt bike riding at home and my new bag is made from material with dirt bike print.

Thanks very much,…..

Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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  1. Sue Niven

    a wonderful read, as always, love to you all.

  2. Janine C

    Lovely to read all these letters and very touched that so many find the time to write.


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