Grati-Tuesday 2 May 17

Written by AHQ

2 May 2017

G’day all

This is a gratitude post and first up tonight something special that I am thankful for. The wonderful people at Stixon Stickers have made a very generous and patriotic offer to all those who sew for Aussie Heroes.   If you have been finding it hard to find Aussie flag stickers to put on your boxes your search is over.

If you email them at the following email address Stixon Stickers <st****@bi*****.com> you can request some of these stickers to be sent to you to add to your parcels.   You don’t even have to send a stamped self addressed envelope. The stickers come in A4 sheets so they will cut them down so they fit in a standard size envelope.  if you ask for a couple of sheets that should keep most of you going for a while.  

What a wonderful generous offer… this is this family’s contribution to Aussie Heroes!

Thank you!

and now for the rest of the gratitude messages…


For a quilt made by Bev F, a message and photo published on Facebook.

I can’t thank Aussie Hero Quilts enough for the quilt that I just received, so much effort has been put into the quilt and laundry bag. I absolutely love it.


Dear Melissa,

Thankyou for a wonderful and useful present. You’ve captured everything Skeletor himself could have asked for in a quilt.

Fortunately my deployment has come to an end, as my wife is somewhat severely pregnant. My Boss thought it would be a brilliant idea to get me home in time for the birth of my first child, which I was thrilled about.

I really appreciate the time you took to make and send, to a complete stranger, the fruits of your labour.

I wish you all the best with your ferrying to and fro basketball. And your Son continues on with the Cadets. I too, worked at Hungry Jacks.

Kindest Regards,

Dear Joan & Robin,

Thank you for the wonderful laundry bag. It is indeed a work of art!. My exceptions were exceeded ten fold, absolutely wonderful. More than the bag it is just nice to know that in Australia there is a community of great people like yourselves. Much appreciated.


My name is XXX from 7 RAR. Recently myself and the soldiers of my Platoon, recieved a large donation of quilts and laundry bags over here in Kabul. They were a nice surprise when we recieved them and it caused a significant increase in morale. 

On behalf of my Platoon, I would like to send my thanks to everyone at Aussie Hero Quilts for donating their time and effort into making these quilts for my soldiers. They were well received and they are being used everyday. Especially since it is becoming quite hot this time of year in Afghanistan, the soldiers are using your quilts to help them sleep. 
Since you have provided a bit about yourself, I thought I would do the same for our Platoon. The soldiers of the Afghanistan National Army Officer Academy Platoon (ANAOA PL), come from many different backgrounds, corps, and localities in Australia. The Platoon mostly comprises of Infantry Diggers, but we have a strong representation from the Transport, Medical, Ordnance, RAEME, Engineers and Nursing Corps as well. Many of these soldiers were sent to Adelaide based 7 RAR, from as far as Darwin and Brisbane to prepare for this deployment. So even before they were deployed with 7 RAR, they were away from home to train with us, adding that additional hardship. The Platoon came together in October of 2016 and have been together ever since. The soldiers are younger cohort then then average Platoon, with most of the soldiers having not been deployed before and are still under the age of 22. This has been a big experience for each of them, but I can honestly say that I’m privileged to command such a young and diverse Platoon over here in Afghanistan. 
Once again thank you for all the work you have done into making these quilts and laundry bags for us. It has made a significant difference for every soldier over here and we greatly appreciate all the excellent work Aussie Hero Quilts are doing for all the deployed military personnel. 


Hi There Kaye

I would like to thank you for the awesome quilt I received from you. The Quilt it self would have taken you ages to make and I really appreciate the effort you put into it! My mess mates (E.G people I sleep with in a room of 15 bunks) are quite jealous of it hahaha. The ship received it while I was on holidays over in London so I then got it when I got back on the 25th of April. Have been away Australia for now 6 months and have only a few months left to go which is fantastic!   I am kinda getting sick of the ocean as being on it 24/7 for this 6 months hahaha. I would like to thank you again for making me such a great Quilt :).I hope you’re well also your grandchildren. 

Thanks you again

Hi Sandra,

        I can’t express how grateful I am for my DR Who quilt and now knowing that it was the first one you have completed for a member makes it even more special for me.  I now have a 9 year old step daughter, this was my reason for DR Who as it is one of our favourite shows to watch together and in the future when I go away she will be able to watch it with Dad’s quilt which I am sure will bring her comfort that I am always thinking of home. 

Currently embarked on Arunta as the first navy ship to complete a 9 month deployment in the middle east, I was chosen at short notice due to another member not being able to complete the trip, I am lucky to have a very understanding wife. Due to the length they allow us some leave whilst on the trip and I have just returned for 10 days with my Wife and daughter and I can’t forget our dog Hugo. I have a few months left to go on the trip and as I am sure you know the feeling, we are counting the days. 

It sounds like we are both from military back ground though my father was Army and my Grandfather was Royal Navy, I joined the Navy for something to do while I figured out what I wanted to do, lets just say 21 years later I have figure that I love the Navy and might stay a bit longer.

I would also like to thank you and your Husband for your service whilst you were in the Police force.

Once again Thank you Sandra for my quilt – It is awesome.



Good Morning Jan-Maree,

I received my Aussie Hero Quilt today from Thelma in the post today (28 Apr 17) and I must say I was very excited and delighted on what she has made me. 

I and the other soldiers who ordered the quilts and laundry bags would like to thank you and your marvelous team for our quilts and laundry bags. All of our soldiers are very happy with the work that your quilting team have been able to accomplish in such a short time period.

I personally would like to thank you and your team for the fantastic items. All of our soldiers at the Q Store had a very big smile when they received them as I did.


Dear Julie,

I’m a member of the Royal Australian Army, operating in the Royal Australian Artillery.  My job entails working very closely with the RAAF, briefing them on friendly forces scheme of manoeuvre. This enables the aircrew to have situational awareness of what is happening on the ground with friendly forces who they support. I’m currently deployed to the Middle East Region on Operation Okra. 

Upon arriving in country I was lucky enough to meet the Padre attached to my task group and he very kindly offered me a choice of laundry bags he had received from Aussie Hero Quilts. To say I was spoiled for choice would be a lie and I didn’t want to decline the Padre’s offer, as most bags still available were a floral design by nature. I then saw the ultimate laundry bag, beautifully made by you, relieved to see fast cars, kangaroos and Aussie flags surrounded with red and black checkers. I now rock the best designed laundry bag on base and proudly throw it over my shoulder on route to the laundry every washing day. 
On behalf of all members currently serving on operations; thank you so much for your support. Organisations such as yours, reminds us every day of what we stand for as Defence Force members. I wish you and your family all the best for 2017. 



I put pen to paper to thank you for your wonderful support and lovely gifts.
The care package was most welcomed and it brought a massive smile to my face and lifted my spirits considerably.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your thoughts and support.
It was a little ironic you being from Victoria, my home state also, and having been to Portland many years ago, you do live in a beautiful part of Victoria, although it can and does get a bit chilly in winter.
Anyway Kaye, you take care and once again thanks, you gotta love the Australian spirit.
God bless and all the best,


Good Morning Mary

I have just received the quilt you made thank you very much.

You and all the other ladies have put so much hard work into these quilts which puts smiles on our faces.

Once again thank you


Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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