Grati-Tuesday 18th July 2023

Written by AHQ

18 July 2023

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Oh my, you are going to need to get the tissues out for this weeks blog.

Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!

Good morning Aussie Hero Quilts and Beverley F,


I am feeling the happiest I have felt in a very long time. I am writing to let you know that the quilt has arrived safe and sound along with a lovely personal message. You all do such amazing work and I can tell you with 1000% certainty all the boys and girls out here love every bit of it.


Please pass my unending gratitude to Beverley F for her amazing work. I can feel the effort and love in the detail.


I was told by my peers that my request was rather ambitious but what you have made Beverley, is truly next level. As soon as it unfurled, a biggest grin grew on my face reaching from ear to ear.

At 26 I find it difficult to know where I want to go in life so it’s refreshing to hear your voice amongst all the other noise. The stories you have shared are the stories that drive me to get out there and try something different and to take part in building up the people around me.


I thank you for making this quilt for me. Every time I look upon it, I not only remember the story of my deployment out here. I will also remember the stories of Beverley, the people back home and why I decided to join the Defence Force. Please know it will be cherished

I hope one day I can give back to serving members in such a meaningful way as you do now


Very many thanks,


Hi Bev L,

I received the quilt you made! Thank you very much, I love the design.
Thanks again and take care!
Kind regards,
Dear Gail McQ,

I am writing to you because I have been blessed to have received your wonderful laundry bag. I have read your letter, and enjoyed reading about your children and grandchildren and how proud of them you are, your involvement in Aussie Hero Quilts and your experiences especially in Adelaide’s sister ship HMAS Canberra.


I have served in the Royal Australian Navy for coming up to 18 years. I have served on a number of ships including HMA Ships Tobruk, Perth, Darwin, Kanimbla, Ballarat (twice) and now Adelaide. My role onboard is interesting, it is extremely diverse.


I have a very young family; I miss them terribly when I am away, as they miss me. Coming home is always special. Your laundry bag will always remain special to me. It appealed to me as I have an interest in Motor racing. When I get the opportunity I will send you a photo!


Kind Regards,


Bridget R,

I just recently received the Aussie Hero Quilt you made.


Thank you so much for all the work and effort you put in to making the quilt, I felt very honoured to have received it and love the design, Very appropriate for me as I like bike riding.


This is a wonderful thing people like you are involved for the veterans.


I retired in 2021 after completing 40 plus years of full time service with the Air Force and currently working as a Reservist, so have not completely left the Defence Force yet


Kind Regards



Hello Bobbie S, (And the Mystery BOMers)
I am the nephew of one of your recipients of an Aussie Hero Quilt.
That recipient was my uncle, who sadly passed away the day after his 85th birthday and presentation of his Aussie Hero Quilt and
Commando Beret from ex members of the 1 Commando Regiment.
I read with interest the background of yourself and of your members contribution in the creation of the Aussie Hero Quilt. I thank you for your own personal interest, dedication and sharing your family history. It is a great thoughtful and generous commitment of your members and yourself in the recognition of one’s service.
My Uncle was no ordinary character, although he would never like to be thought of as such. He was a remarkable man who achieved a lot in life considering the challenges he faced. He was born in 1938 and he was my mother’s brother. Their father served with the 2/12 th Fd Coy as part of the 8th Division in WW2 and he was captured in the fall of Singapore and eventually died as a POW at Sandakan (Borneo) on the death march in June 1945.
As a result of losing his father in war, He was raised a legacy child, enjoying outings and summer holidays when possible. He was also the lucky winner of a Legacy competition to meet with Field Marshal Montgomery in Sydney on the 13th of July 1947. This appeared on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald. He had a signed photo and letters from Monty which will be donated to the Australian War Memorial in due course.
He was drafted into National Service in October 1958 and he stayed on serving in the CMF. In 1960 as part of his final qualification into the 1st Commando Regiment he suffered a training accident which resulted in him becoming a quadriplegic.
To detail his life would take more than this response so I will just highlight to you some of his achievements.
He represented NSW and Australia in disabled sports. He attended competition at the Commonwealth and Olympic games in Canada, Scotland and New Zealand. The pinnacle was a Silver medal at the Para Olympic games in Toronto in 1976. He worked with Qantas, Royal North Shore Hospital, The Spastic Centre NSW, Paraquad and
Minister’s Office at the NSW Dept of Education. He was tertiary qualified in Rehabilitation and Counselling.
At the time of his death a self-funded retiree who lived independently in NSW up to early 2020 where his health declined and this ultimately saw him in hospital and aged care.
He was one who liked to prove the experts wrong exceeded that
surviving for 63 years after his accident. He was a true Australian who loved and represented his country. He left this world as a
man who was an example in proving otherwise to those who think that hope in life is lost, and only ever saw the word can in can’t.
Once again thank you for your time and the wonderful quilt which was presented. I know he truly appreciated it.
Kind regards


Dear Bev L,

Thank you so much for the effort that went into creating my laundry bag and for sharing about yourself. Initially I hoped to respond by letter, but that has proved trickier than anticipated. Margaret and Fran T from Aussie Hero Quilts were kind enough to talk with the class I’m a part of about the great work that you participate in and deliver my laundry bag. It’s beautiful and I think you’ve done an incredible job. The detail and the Compass design look incredible. I doubt that I can bring myself to use it for laundry. My Mum sews and quilts and is very impressed with what you have done.
I live down in SA with my wife and my labradoodle. My wife and I have repainted the interior of our house this year, which was a mixture of therapeutic and very annoying. We have recently joined a hiking group, where we will aim to complete the Heysen Trail (1200 kms) over 6 years, with something like a 20km walk each month. I work in a social work type role Mon – Thur and for the Navy on Fridays. It has been a remarkable journey so far with the Navy and I have taken great pleasure in training and working with the truly remarkable people who make up Australia’s Navy.
My best wishes and thanks for the remarkable efforts you go to.
Kind regards,


Good Morning Jenni S,

I just wanted to write to you to thank you for the amazing quilt that you crafted for me. Earlier this week HMAS Sydney pulled in to Adelaide where we received mail and I was fortunate enough to receive my Aussie Hero Quilt.


 We are so grateful for you volunteering your time and money to create a little bit of cheer for Australian Military members on deployment! The quilt you crafted is fantastic quality and makes my cabin feel a little bit more like home!

Thank you so much for your kind gesture and support of our Military.

Take care,


Hi Hilary P,


I have received both the quilt and Laundry bag that you made for me. I am extremely grateful, you have done an amazing job and they are better than I could have imagined.

I am reaching the end of my time at sea for a while at the end of this year and both items will make a great keepsake and based on the great quality, I’m sure will last me a long time.


I just want to say again how grateful I am for the effort that you have put into both these items, they are truly amazing.


Thank you,


Good afternoon Pennie T,

You made a quilt for me and was delivered.  I was in the Navy and served just under 5 years.  I really wanted to say a massive thank you to you and all who take their own time to make the quilts and laundry bags.
I hope you are having a bit of a break from making the quilts. 

Thank you very much.
Hi Jan-Maree,

I want to thank you, Dorothy, Lyn, Kerry and Philomena for the beautiful quilt that you made for us. It was delivered up to the Sunshine Coast on the weekend.

The Flanders Poppies are very special the colours are just beautiful ( had some happy tears) our son would have loved it.

Once again thank you all for making such a beautiful quilt in his memory.  I will cherish it for forever

Kind regards


Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!







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