Friday the Thirteenth…. Aussie Hero Friends Night of Nights……

Written by AHQ

21 June 2017

NOTE –  you will soon be asked to register for the events you want to attend in Canberra over the weekend 13-15 October. 
EVERYONE needs to register by emailing a given email… NOT ME!  If you have emailed me and expressed an interest in attending any of the functions you still need to email the NOMINATED email when asked as it is too hard for me to remember who has emailed me and who hasn’t. 

If you are going to go to the expense of coming to Canberra for our Annual Dinner I want to make sure that you have a great weekend.

On Friday afternoon you can go for a tour of the Australian Defence Force Academy.
Be warned there are only 30 places for this tour so get your names in quickly.

Friday night was a great opportunity to arrange something special for those who sew.
Again, there are limited places… only 60 places for this event!

I can now reveal that we have a very special guest speaker….

The wonderful Helen Godden, professional quilter and Aussie Hero Quilter…. has agreed to come and talk to you about her amazing quilts.

Helen Godden…. “My Colourful Life ….. so far…..”

Helen Godden came into quilting only 14 years ago, with no patchwork or quilting knowledge, no dressmaking history in fact no sewing experience. She did not even own a machine until 2003. 

…”As an artist for 30 years, Helen comes into quilting with a huge selection of preliminary drawings and potential ideas from which to create.” 

In her work, Helen is focussed on colour, design and the story the piece tells. As a result, Helen’s work is predominately pictorial, with strong design and exciting play with colour. Helen also incorporates humour into her work and often has an Aussie touch. 

Helen uses her painting and design skills and creates whole cloth painted surface and then with her Handi Quilter Sweet Sixteen adds lots of movement and detail with her Extreme free-motion quilting. Helen literally draws with her sewing machine adding story with her quilting bringing her painted images to life.

These are a sample of the wonderful Aussie Hero Quilts she has made….

And as if meeting and hearing from the one and only Helen Godden is not enough….

I also hope to have another amazing speaker as well…
More on that closer to time…..

AND wait there is more…. 

how about a Show and Tell. How often to we quilters have the chance to get together and celebrate our personal quilting.   We may not have time for everyone to show and tell but we should be able to share quite a few quilts.

So when asked, make sure you register for these functions or miss out! 

Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree xx

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