Farewell HMAS Warramunga…..

Written by AHQ

8 October 2017

Today I headed off to Garden Island to farewell HMAS Warramunga, our next Operation Manitou ship.  They have headed off for 9 months… the second of our ships to do a long deployment. 

After arriving I walked around meeting various crew members.  It is always lovely to ask people what they have asked for on their quilt and sometimes hear the story of what they have asked for. This fellow simply wants a nautical quilt with his daughter’s names on it… and if they are both as cute as this little strawberry blonde who would blame him. How much will she have grown in his absence.
 Lynn F, this gorgeous family will be the recipient of that request I sent you last night… five gorgeous children… and one very supportive wife!  
This young man has not put his request in but assured me he will be getting on to it as soon as he can. I gave him my card to remind him and if I don’t hear from him in a few days I will chase him up. 
These two had already put their requests in.  Funnily enough I had just been looking at their requests this morning….. Small prints of cartoon snowboarders in various locations for the fellow on the left and black with yellow WU TANG logo….. I think he was surprised when I said I had actually googled the logo this morning to find it should be fairly easy to applique. 

This handsome young man in the middle of his Mum and Dad has the middle name of Thomas… guess what Dad wants on his quilt…. Thomas the Tank Engine….
Here we have two Kiwi sailors… they are on exchange posting with HMAS Warramunga.  The very least we can do is look after our guests so I have encouraged them to send me their requests.   Funnily enough when HMAS Melbourne deployed last I met a big fellow called Jack… another Kiwi who has remained friends with me and these two know him well.  
How special is it when you arrange a quilt for a fellow and become friends with him and his wife.  A few years later, a very proud mum is introducing me to her daughter who I have seen graduate from Recruit School at HMAS Cerberus and now here she is about to be on our request list….

There is always a few who have not put in a request for one reason or another and in most cases they are really keen and plan to do it when they get on board.   Standby Chaplain, more requests coming. 

I take their photos and promise that I will follow up in case they forget.    I think this is the fellow who wants a tigers quilt. If I am right I told him he better hurry and get his request in as I have a great Tigers quilt just waiting for the right recipient to come along…. 

Another young lady yet to put in her request… but very keen….
And another one, but whatever request she puts in… will include this photo… something the whole family was keen to be included in.   How lucky is she to have so many family members make the effort to farewell her. 
The Chief of Navy, the Minister for Defence, the member for Macquarie, representing the Shadow Minister for Defence,  were all there today to farewell the crew.  
Both the Chief of Navy and the Minister for Defence gave encouraging speeches to the crew and their family…  
 I don’t know if CN had notes, I did not see, but twice now I have seen the Minister for Defence address an audience without notes, no stuttering or stumbling and right on point.  As someone who does my fair share of public speaking that is a skill I admire as it is not one that I possess. 
 Finally it was time for the Commanding Officer of HMAS Warramunga to address everyone.  This is the third deployment to the Middle East for HMAS Warramunga and the second time one of our ships has deployed for 9 months.  It was quite thought provoking to see so many really young children on the wharf farewelling their mums and dads.  One father, welcomed a new son, Zane John, on Friday.  He has a little more time with his family and then will fly off to meet up with his ship.  That is the sort of sacrifice that many of these families make. 
More smiling faces, this young lady requesting a nautical surfing theme. 

And I had to take a pic of these two… so that they will both be up for a slab…. get your photo published and get sprung by your mates and that is the penalty…   😀

Another young lady yet to put in her request…. but she assured me she will be….

 I caught up with one of my recipients from a couple of years ago. Warrant Officer of the Navy, Gary Wight, is a big supporter of Aussie Heroes and is also a passed Ship’s Warrant Officer from HMAS Darwin. I have known him for a couple of years now and he has always had a soft spot for HMAS Darwin. When we did the LBs for the crew, we also did a few extra bags for past crew members.  Gail M made this one and to say that Gary was thrilled with his would be an understatement.  He was chuffed. 
 Debbie D do you remember making a yellow, grey and white last year?   This lovely young lady works for the Minister for Defence (that is why she has all that gold braid on her shoulder).  She reminisced happily about receiving her quilt.  
At last, at 1530 (three thirty) on the dot, and just before it started to sprinkle with rain, HMAS Warramunga slowly started to push back from the Wharf as the National Anthem was played by the Navy band. It is a very special and very emotional moment…. lots of tears were shed…. 
 and before you know it… she is gone… the wharf starts to clear and everyone heads home to start to count the days.

Wishing you all Fair Wings and Following Seas Team Warramunga. We will be sewing as hard as wel can to make sure your bunks and laundries hold reminders that we care. 

Till next time….. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Jacqui D

    Wonderful read and great photo's JM…Good luck to all our sailors, you do us proud and yes our turn now to ….get stitching for you :o)

  2. Sue Niven

    A wonderful post, Wish you all well.

  3. kiwikid

    Lovely to read and see the photos, thank you Jan-Maree. Got teary myself just reading about the goodbyes and ship leaving! ! Safe travels.


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