Block of the Month February 2018

Written by AHQ

1 February 2018

What’s black and white and red allover?  Remember the riddle?  In this case, it’s not a newspaper!  
It’s our first Block of the Month for 2018
Happy New Year to everyone.  
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the hundreds of supporters of BOM who faithfully send in blocks throughout the year so that many, many quilts can be
quite quickly made for our Aussie Heroes, mostly by the Coffs Harbour Sewing Team.
EVERY block goes into a quilt.  I hope you catch a glimpse of your blocks
in the Quilts I post to the Blog on some Wednesdays…keep watching for them.

Please remember…
only use 100% cotton fabrics
use a 1/4 inch seam allowance
Most of our quilts are made for men so please consider gender neutral prints
DO NOT trim uneven edges
Every quilt made is an original design with the requests of each Recipient considered 
and included in their quilt.  This means there will be inclusion of components other than the blocks eg. Aussie Flag or plain panels with important text or appliquéd designs.
I design blocks that will be trimmed back to make the blocks chosen for a particular 
quilt design all the same size to fit together.  However, from one quilt to another, 
these blocks will vary in size.  So when you send a 12 1/2 inch square block, it
 may eventually be a 10 3/4 inch or 11 inch etc. block.
This month’s blocks can be assembled in several different ways
and will make stunning quilts for our Aussie Heroes.
Black White and Red
The large RED square should be mainly RED but can also have black or white print on it 
This is the selection I considered for my sample block
The narrow black bands should be solid BLACK fabric
The three small squares should be mostly BLACK with a white or red print on them
The two small rectangles should be mostly WHITE with a black or red print on them
Cut one RED square 8 x 8 inch
Cut  three 4 x 4 inch squares of fabric that is BLACK background with a white and/or red print
Cut two 4 x 3 1/2 inch rectangles of fabric that is WHITE background with a white and/or red print
Cut a strip of PLAIN BLACK fabric about 35 inches long x 1 1/2 inch wide 
Then cut into 5 strips 12 1/2 inch, 8 inch and 4 inch long
Layout the block
Join the two small strips of plain black fabric to either side of the centre rectangle
Then join the squares to the black fabric strips
Press the seam allowances onto the black strips to make them “pop”
Repeat this process for the other rectangle, strip and square
Join this section to the middle size black strip
Press the seam allowance into the black strip
Join this section to the red square as shown
Press the seam allowance into the black strip
Join the two sections together by laying the small portion on the larger one with the black strip of each facing each other.  
Hold together with pins at the edge as shown and also at the cut edges of the pieces.  
The pointer shows the black strips lining up well.
Don’t be concerned if the outer edges don’t match exactly.  Remember the blocks will be trimmed to the size needed.  It is more important for the black on the two portions to line up.
Sew the seam and press the seam allowance into the black strip.
And here it is.  Just gorgeous.
for making Blocks of the Month for our Aussie Heroes’ Quilts
When we send off the Quilts to the Recipients with a letter, we tell them 
the blocks have been made by the wonderful team of volunteers 
all over Australia who regularly send these to us.

A PDF version of the block can be found by clicking HERE

Please send your finished blocks to
Sandy Corry
9 Wendouree Court
North Boambee Valley   NSW   2450
…and until next month
Happy sewing.

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