Hi Everyone,
I hope you have had a fantastic week and enjoyed the satisfaction of creating. I certainly loved seeing them all
So far for 2017 we have sent off 1826 laundry bags
which brings us to a total of 14883 since we started…
We have also sent 1078 quilts
bringing our total since we started to over 7,721 quilts
Beth H
Beth U
BOM Jeanette G
BOMs Ann H, Sandy, quilted by Lynne V and bound by Jo H
BOMs Bridget
Bridget and Lynne J
Bronwyn C
Carolyn M
Cheryl DP quilted by Sandy
Chris E
Crinoline Deb Back
Debbie N
Di T
Jo H NSW and quilted by Lynne V
Joy C
Karen S
Kaye G
Louise D quilted by Leonie and bound by Julie Ann
Louise T
Lynn and Bridget
Lynn and Bridget
Melissa B
Melissa B
Melissa L
Nola B Sandy C
Rita M
Robyn V NSW
Ruth S
Sandy C and Cheryl
Shirley W
Su J
Sue G
Sue N
Sue N
Susan S
Via Bev and Geoff
Wonderful work everyone this week as always. I am so inspired with all of the work.
We are past the middle of winter and heading for warmer weather, well lets hope so anyway.