G’day all.
For those of you in Adelaide you might like to listen in on Monday morning as I am going to be interviewed on Adelaide’s Coast FM at 1115 their time. I will be telling the Aussie Hero story – my favourite story to tell, about some of my favourite people and that includes the Aussie Hero Friends and our wonderful Aussie Heroes.
In other business
There is one month left to buy tickets to attend the dinner in Brisbane. All the information you need about the dinner can be found here but most important
A copy of the deposit (EFT) receipt needs to be sent to Angela George to confirm your reservation.
Don’t leave it to the last minute
I am really looking forward to meeting those of you who I have only met via email and phone up until now.
Laundry Bag Requests.
I received a request today from a RAAF unit that has just discovered us. They have been proactive enough to request laundry bags (and quilts but I will deal with those later) for all 30 of their soon to deploy troops. Anyone who would like to sew some laundry bags with initials on them please let me know. We can make whatever we like as I have been given no preferences for these guys but remember that are all RAAFies.
And so to this week’s Dispatches…
Laundry Bag Requests.
I received a request today from a RAAF unit that has just discovered us. They have been proactive enough to request laundry bags (and quilts but I will deal with those later) for all 30 of their soon to deploy troops. Anyone who would like to sew some laundry bags with initials on them please let me know. We can make whatever we like as I have been given no preferences for these guys but remember that are all RAAFies.
And so to this week’s Dispatches…
The tally so far.
17 quilts this week and 23 laundry bags.
17 quilts this week and 23 laundry bags.
1157 quilts and 2115 laundry bags for 2013.
2165 quilts and 3481 laundry bags in total.
This is one of those delightful quilts that pop up unexpectedly without notice! Love it.
This quilt was made by Myriam of the RAAF Base Amberley Craft Group.
This quilt was another team effort. The fabric donated by Sandra P, the top was pieced by Angela, the backing dyed and donated by Judy C and quilted by Barb.
This is Judy’s backing
And Barbara’s wonderful quilting
Another joint effort. I designed and cut out this quilt top and then Jenni started sewing it up at one of our Penrith sewing days. Kerry embroidered the badge for us which was sent to Jenni to include. Once the top was completed Jenni quilted and bound it and sent it off……the sending off was the exciting bit though. After being evacuated twice due to the bushfires one day, Jenni managed to get the quilt in the mail the next day, just before the post was cleared early due to the fires! Great effort Jenni in more ways than one!
Joan made this laundry bag with the help of the emboidered patch that was conceived by me but embroidered by Michele from Victoria.
Julie Ann
At last I can show you this one. We did this as a Mystery Quilt for someone who has been watching the blog for MONTHS and who put themselves on my request list well before her deployment. Well, she has received her quilt and loves it. The blocks were sent to Brisbane and were put together by Joanne making a great front and back and then Joanne quilted it as well.
What a gorgeous quilt!
Rita M
Don’t forget to book your tickets for the dinner.
Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching! JMxx