Hi All,
Well today I have a wonderful picture to share with you. Look what I received via email overnight! Don’t you just love it. I tried to enlarge it in sections so that you could see some of the quilts and the faces in close up but no such luck. The picture degraded too much. So, if you sent a quilt to Toowoomba and would like a copy of the picture emailed to you just let me know. I did my best to count up and there are about 47 sailors included in this picture from what I can see.- just as well it was taken alongside as there cannot have been many people on duty!
Thanks HMAS Toowoomba – Much appreciated!
Now that is a hard act to follow but I think you will agree that some of these messages are pretty special too.
Dear Joan and Robin,
Thank you dearly for the time, effort and kindness you put into making me the laundry bag. Everything about it is great and I am very grateful to receive it. I would also like to thank you on behalf of all members currently deployed on operations for you generosity and support you both provide to make these deployments that much more homely and comfortable.
Thank you again.
Dear Carolyn
I have just received the beautiful Aussie Hero quilt and laundry bag made by your daughter Fiona. It was a fantastic surprise as I had forgotten that I had requested one. Please pass on my thanks to both Fiona and Jan-Maree.
I agree with J-M, the red Southern Cross is reminiscent of the navy Ensign and very fitting for me. It is beautifully made and a credit to your daughter – it certainly doesn’t look like she just started quilting.
The quilt will be a prized possession and displayed with pride. While I certainly don’t consider myself a hero, it is reassuring to know that those at home are thinking of us.
Thanks again for the quilt ,laundry bag and also the other goodies. They are very much appreciated as is the service provided by Aussie Hero Quilts
Best Regards
Dear Carolyn,
Today I received the beautiful quilt you made and sent as part of AHQ. It is absolutely wonderful and with your letter, such a great thing to keep from my time in AFG.
We can’t thank you enough for the beautiful quilts which are sent over
All the soldiers here do their best to give everyone back home something to be proud of and it is so nice to be thought of.
Once again, thank you so much. It is people like you who make the world a nicer place.
This message and photo were posted on Facebook
Just got my quilt and laundry bag from Debra S and family in Roma. Thank you so much.
Hi Karen, (KarenBet)
I would like to thank you for the quilt and items that you sent to me. It adds a nice touch of home to my otherwise sterile room. It’s nice to know that we are appreciated for the job that we’re doing over here, and we have the support of people like yourselves back home. Once again, thank you and I hope you continue to support my colleagues in any way that you can.
Dear Jacqui,
This is just a quick email to say thankyou for the amazing quilt you made me of the surfer.
You have absolutely no idea how much of a morale booster it was for me. The attention and care you put into it was truly amazing
and I will be using it for years to come.
Your support to me and my fellow workers is amazing.
Thanks again
Hi Kerryn, I received one of your laundry bags today from WO XXX. A few months ago I was in Afghanistan and I received a quilt on the day that I left and never got a chance to write an email of thanks to the person who made it as I lost her email address. (Nancy) It was also beautiful and a great morale boost.
I’m now on my 2nd tour this year and I’ve been lucky enough to get a laundry bag! I just want to thank you and all the other people at “Aussie Hero Quilts”. I will get lots of use out of the laundry bag and I’ve taken the quilt home to my parents so they can look after it for now as it really is something that I would like to pass onto my children if I have any. Thankyou again, Kind Regards,
I’m now on my 2nd tour this year and I’ve been lucky enough to get a laundry bag! I just want to thank you and all the other people at “Aussie Hero Quilts”. I will get lots of use out of the laundry bag and I’ve taken the quilt home to my parents so they can look after it for now as it really is something that I would like to pass onto my children if I have any. Thankyou again, Kind Regards,
Hi Kerryn, Thank you for the lovely laundry bag! It’ll make it a lot easier looking for laundry in the washing room now! I received the orange and white striped one with Australian flags etc on the patch. I am on my 7th deployment and 4th time to the MEAO (Middle Eastern Area of Operations). It was great to experience ANZAC day over here. This is now my 3rd ANZAC day while I’ve been deployed and they have all been special. Thank you for taking your time to think of us deployed and for making us such a lovely gift. Regards,
Hi Julie,
I would just like to thank you for the laundry bag and biscuits (my favourites). I’ve only been here a short time so I was suprised to receive a package. It’s nice to see the support that we receive from back home, especially from ex-serving members. Please pass on your thanks to your husband and tell him that the Hercs (C130 Hercules aircraft) do a great job over here moving cargo and pax.(passengers)
As usual on a Thursday night here is the list of those that have sent off quilts and laundry bags this week.
Debbie M
Deborah and the Happiness Fairies
Fran T
Judith R
Karen B
Kerryn C (WA)
Rita C
Rita M
Sue and Aileen
Stephanie D
Debbie M
Deborah and the Happiness Fairies
Fran T
Judith R
Karen B
Kerryn C (WA)
Rita C
Rita M
Sue and Aileen
Stephanie D
If you have sent something and are not on the list please let me know and if you haven’t already, please send me a photo.
Till next time……………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Another amazing batch of quilts … so beautiful …wish I could ask Rita how she made the hexagon quilt, can you do that by machine?