Oh my goodness – one week till we start posting and five weeks and one day till we stop.   I think I am going to have twenty quilts and laundry bags ready to post – maybe even a few more.  I am starting to sort quilts to go to the original lovely warrant officer that we started sending things to.  His team will all be home by June but some of them start to leave in the next before then so I want some quilts and laundry bags over there so that they can have the pleasure of giving them to their replacements as they arrive.
Tonight on my other blog, Cherry red Quilter, I broke from tradition and showed something from Aussie Heroes.  I normally keep them quite separate.   Well I am going to break from tradition here and mention something that is not associated with Aussie Heroes.  How is everyone in NSW and elsewhere coping with all this rain and the flooding.  Are any of you being affected by the floods?  Do any of you have famiy and friends affected?  I hope you are all doing okay.  
I spent some time tonight setting up a Photos and Testimonials page and a Quilt and Laundry Bag Page.  If you are suggesting that someone check out the blog, suggest that they check out the pages at the top – the Brief History and the two new pages – that will probably help them to understand what Aussie Heroes is all about quicker than just reading the latest posts.  
This is our newest quilt.  This top was sewn by Andrea.  
 Earlier this year we sent off a girly quilt and laundry bag and the recipient wrote a lovely thank you and added that she was going to leave her quilt behind for her replacement.  I wrote back to her and said that was very kind of her but she needed feel obligated.  I told her if she gave me the address I would send her replacement a quilt and a laundry bag as well.  This will be her quilt…
and here is the back.
 I don’t normally photograph the back as usually they are just one piece of fabric but I like this one.  The floral fabric had a piece cut out of it but I thought it was so pretty I still wanted to use it so as it was a border print I cut it apart and added in the green – I really like this green too.  That meant that I could piece in the label too which I quite like doing too.
And here is the laundry bag.  I quite like putting the initials on when I have them.
Hopefully I will get them in the mail tomorrow.
Today’s mail sent me two lovely quilt tops from Marienne.  I will show them to you when I get them quilted.  Our next layering day is the 28th of March, unless I get some time in between.  I normally wait for the fortnightly sewing day here so that I have help.  For now I am having a blitz on sewing laundry bags.
Till next time…………keep spreading the word coz whatever you are doing it is working.  Happy stitching!