Hi all, I thought I should catch you up a little with my plans for the next few days so that if you email or message me and it takes a little while to get back to you, you will understand why. Tomorrow morning I am hitting the road to Melbourne!!!
I thought you might like to know a little of what I am doing. Tomorrow night I am speaking to the North of the Yarra Quilt Group. One of our long time laundry bag and quilt makers Sue N is going to be there so I will meet her for the first time. She is actually bringing some of her quilts to show which saves me from having to carry many in my luggage but I am taking a selection of quilt tops and some laundry bags for show and tell.
On the Friday morning I am meeting up with two of the ladies who made quilts for HMAS Newcastle and that would be Eleanor and none other than Sarah, the wife of the Newcastle Chaplain. After I say my farewells to them I am driving down to HMAS Cerberus for a nostalgic look at my old base! I hope to take lots of photos so that I can write up a blog post about the place and I am really looking forward to seeing how much it has changed in the 20 or so years since I was there. I will be meeting a chaplain there who, until recently was the head chaplain for the Middle East Area of Operations. I will spend the evening having dinner with him and his family.
Saturday is a huge day. I start with breakfast at 9am with a recipient from Kandahar. Then I move on to lunch with a few of our quilters. We are meeting at The Green Sage Café in Templestowe Shopping Centre if anyone is interested in joining us. We will be there at 1130. From there I move on to an afternoon visit with the wife of the chaplain on our current ship and finally I am having dinner with another recipient and his wife who would like to catch up.
Sunday’s plans are a little flexible at the moment but Sunday night my husband is flying down from Sydney and we are having dinner with his family to celebrate birthdays.
On Monday morning I wish my husband a happy 24th Wedding anniversary and then drop him off at the station so that he can head off into his office for the week’s work and them I head off to my own list of things to do – perhaps I might fit a couple of quilt shops in. Well a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do!!! In the afternoon I am heading off to visit the MUC Pilgrim Patchwork Group who are having their regular meeting and I will be joining them. From there I will head off to the airport.
So as you can see, a fairly packed schedule but one that I am really looking forward to.
You will have to bear with me if you don’t hear from me.
So that is enough from me – here is Caroline with this week’s happy mail.
Hi Everyone, not a lot from me today, hoping to have a full post box next week.
Here are some lovely July BOM’s from Carol Le M.
These are fabulous and I just love the border collie in the middle of the sheep.
Happy Stitching
So looking forward to meeting you! Love those Aussie Blocks too!