I hope by now you all understand just how popular our laundry bags are and why! I think, for those if us who have never been deployed, especially to a place like Afghanistan, it is hard to grasp just how much these bags mean to those who get them.
Being able to find your laundry quickly among all the others when you have had a long and tiring day is just one of those little things that makes life easier and keeps morale up!
Also lots of the guys and girls have said our eye catching laundry bags make them smile – whether it be because of the pattern or because they are reminded that there are people out there who are proud of them and appreciate what they do.
Actually on a lighter note i just had a fellow tell me that one of our special laundry bags will put the fun back into laundry……hmmmm not sure about that but it is a nice thought! LOL
Here is a lovely thank you for a laundry bag that Caroline received today.
Good morning Caroline,
this email is just a short message to pass on my gratitude for spending your precious time to make me a personalised Camo laundry bag. I can now spot my bag straight away amongst the other 20 or so issued bags in the laundry.
It makes me extremely proud to be an Aussie soldier serving overseas when we receive this kind of support from home. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated, and rest assured it will travel with me wherever I may go in the future. I’ve now only got to work on not letting it overflow to much!! Thank-you for your wonderful gift.
Caroline has been shopping online at www.fabric.com – this is not an advertisement for them but it just happens to be where these cute fabrics came from.
BBQ, Bikes & Motorbikes
Chilli’s and Chocolates
Camo, Pink Jungle, Bandana
Crosswords, Oranges & Coffebeans
Dragons, Marvel Hero’s & Spiderman
Sharks, Turtles & Nemo
Seahorses, Cars & Trains, Robots
Monster Trucks, Rockstars & Robots
You don’t have to shop online to find fun fabrics though. I just keep my eyes open on the special tables or at Spotlight when they have good bargains.
Sue S found this super cool fabric at some markets!!!!!
Here are some of the laundry bags that have been sent off recently.
Check out this fun selection!
Check out this fun selection!
Liz B
Who wouldn’t want a superman laundry bag!
If you can’t find any fun fabric you could always dress up the laundry bag quilt simply too. This is not too fancy – but the guy who is getting this used to be a botanist.
I think he will be happy with it thankfully he can’t see the blog!
I hope this has inspired you to have a bit of fun with your laundry bags.
And just for the record, I am suffering from a serious case of fabric envy with some of the cool fabrics featured in this post!
Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
I wanna come play in Caz's stash….such cute fabrics….maybe I'll have to hurry up and use some of mine up, and then I can have a guiltless buy up again…oh who am I trying to kid, I'll probably go buy some anyway lol
Great laundry bags, love the tiger one….have some horse panels, that might just turn up on a tent flap step (tent version of a door step!) or three very soon!
Tech Guru, aka Naomi
Love them all!