Happy Mail and more

Written by AHQ

2 October 2013

Greetings all.  

Now today is Happy Mail day and I will get to the Official Happy Mail but first I want to show you some mail that I know will make lots of you HAPPY!

How awesome is this photo???   We have been sending a bunch of quilts to all the folk in this photo.  They are all part of one big team and have been loving receiving their quilts.

The fellow who sent it to me said that he did not expect grown men to get so enthusiastic when receiving their quilts and said that is makes his day.  I know just how he feels.  It will be quicker for you to pick out your work than it will be for me to, so if you see your workmanship featured here let me know and I will send you a higher resolution of this picture via email.

I have even cropped the photo and split it into two halves in the hopes that the close up will help you to pick out your work. 

Note, all the laundry bags in these pics, were made by Julie Ann as far as I can tell.

And the winner was…..

I can finally announce that the winner of our Silent Auction was… 

Liz J from SA with a bid of $200. 

Looks like Liz will be coming to Sydney some time in the next 12 months to enjoy her day on the tall ship.  Dinner or a cuppa at my place too if you can fit it in Liz.  🙂  Thanks to all who participated. Much appreciated.  $200 goes a long way towards buying another roll of batting to keep us going.  

Sewing Day News

What a fabulously productive day we had yesterday.  Before we did anything else the ladies helped me to layer a quilt so that it is all ready for me to quilt.  Rita C came and assumed responsibility for assembling the blue and white stars that you have all sent in for the Mystery Quilt into a fabulous looking quilt top. 


 Laurel came and started piecing blocks for an Aussie bush quilt top I had cut out for one of our special requests.  The top is not completely together in this photo as I need to add some applique to the tan block.

Clare and Dasha both drove down from “up the coast” to help out for the day and they worked on the nautical quilt that was the priority quilt on the blog on Monday night. I had cut it out and the two lovely ladies worked together to piece it.  Looks pretty good too. Kim M you might notice that navy fabric in the middle with the knots on it came from the fabrics you donated too.

Laurel had to leave a little early so Clare and Dasha took over making the blocks for the Aussie bush quilt.  

Once all the blocks were done Clare trimmed them and started putting them together while Dasha did a little applique on a laundry bag I had prepared.

All this time Joan worked away at cutting laundry bags from donated fabrics.  She was a trooper and I am not sure how many complete laundry bag kits Joan managed to finish cutting in the end but there are plenty. 

Joan also brought with her the laundry bag to match our elephant quilt

using two of the leftover blocks!  How cute is this!

Joan also completed these at home and brought them along so I could send them off when required too.

I think most of the ladies spent at least some of their time going through the bags of donated fabrics that one of our long arm quilters, Kim M, donated.  More laundry bag fabric for Joan to use up at home and plenty more besides. I had already posted 10kg from the bags to Julie Ann in SA to keep her sewing laundry bags!

These days are always fun.  Lots of sewing, lots of chatter, I get to tell lots of stories about things that can’t go on the blog and always lots to show at the end of the day.  We even manage to stop for a quick lunch before getting back into it for the afternoon.

The next sewing day will be at Penrith Patchwork on the 13th of October and then after that at my home on Friday the 18th of October.

And finally a bit of a plea for help.  

If there is anyone out there who would not mind quilting or binding a quilt or two that would be awesome.  

I am going to be receiving ten quilts tomorrow that will all need binding.  Binding will be provided cut if anyone can help out.  Most of these quilts will be going to the Special Ops Task Group – the Special Forces guys and girls who are some of the most amazing guys and girls we have.   If you can add the label to the quilt and bind it you can also send it off if you are happy to.

Additionally I could use some extra help with quilting if anyone is able.  You do not need to be a long armer and straight line quilting is just fine.  I can provide all materials bar the thread.  Please let me know if you can help out.

In both instances I am happy to post interstate but the deadline for posting the quilts that need binding is October 14 so you either need to be able to bind really quickly or you need to be only a day or so away by snail mail.  Also, I would send parcels to you via pre-paid satchel but I can only do this if you are happy to provide a replacement satchel.  One quilt will fit in a 3kg satchel and a 5kg satchel can take two.

Now for our normal Happy Mail. 

How gorgeous are these embroideries?  Donna (DMS) sent them down to me.  I just love them!

Love the dingo.  In fact, the original Aussie Hero worked for a unit that had an affiliation with the dingo.  I wish I had had this when he was still deployed. He would have loved it.  If any of these pictures particular apply to someone who have deployed and might suit their laundry bag please let me know.

Kitty sent in four awesome quilt tops this week.

How clever is this pattern?  These re really simple blocks but the effect is all in the use of the red and blue .  So effective!

Kitty also sent me a piece of this fabric.  I just love it!  I don’t reckon there can be much of this fabric left lying around in people’s stashes. I will be using this sparingly that is for sure!

Lynne Mc sent these awesome BOM blocks 

Sonya sent in  more BOM blocks.

No rest for the wicked for me.  I am off to answer emails and then quilt that quilt I hope.

Till next time………………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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1 Comment

  1. Dasha

    Brilliant photo! I love it when you post things like that.


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