Happy Mail 4 September

Written by AHQ

4 September 2013

Greetings all.  

I sent another Wounded Warrior Quilt off today – this one is a BOM quilt and I think it is just lovely.  I have just received it back from Belinda and she quilted it in hopping kangaroos.  Wouldn’t it be lovely if it were not needed but if it does go to a Wounded Warrior I hope he finds comfort in it.

This is something a bit different and I thought it was such a lovely idea I thought I would share it with you.  On the 21st of August I think it was the Darwin Channel 9 News Facebook Page ran a story about a family who had tied a yellow ribbon their gate.  It went like this.

“Do you know the song “Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree”?  The symbol is a reminder of a loved one returning home from Prison or war in the 1800s.”  The family featured did not have an oak tree so they placed a ribbon on their gate while they are waiting for their son-in-law to return from Afghanistan.  Apparently there are a few yellow ribbons in Darwin and Palmerston.  The family wanted people to know that their ribon did not represent anything other than that and they invited people to join them and put a ribbon on the front of their house to show their support for the soldiers in Afghanistan.

A friend of mine, and an Aussie Hero Friend, decided to follow suit and soon she, her son and daughter and several other relatives and friends had tied yellow ribbons to their gates, letter boxes or front doors in support of a loved one who is currently deployed.  She shared this on her Facebook page and that is how I found out about it.  

I love this idea.  Often people who hear about Aussie Heroes ask me if I have someone over there. Is that why I started Aussie Heroes.  My stock answer to that question is that we ALL have someone over there.   I don’t need to be related to someone to care about them, especially when they are making a daily sacrifice in one way or another to serve our country in our name.  

Someone told me that this is very American. I don’t think that matters.  Just because the idea originated in another country does not make it a bad idea.  This afternoon I went out and tied a yellow ribbon on the light at my front door.  I would have loved to tie it on my letter box but mine is too squat and fat to fit a ribbon and as I have short battleaxe drive the front of my house is not visible from the street.  There is nowhere else I can tie it.  But that doesn’t matter.  It is there.  I know it is there and now you do.  As far as I am concerned it is there for all the guys and girls who don’t have someone back here to tie a ribbon on the front the house for them.  It is there for all the people I email on a regular basis, all those who distribute laundry bags, all those on my request list.  
If you think it is a good idea how about you do it too.  I would love to see photos of your ribbons.  Either post them on Facebook or email them to me.

Don’t forget we have a sewing day at Penrith Patchwork this weekend.  We start at 10am and go till around 2-3 depending on how long the store stays open.  BYO lunch and machine and I will provide the rest.  Hoe to see you there. Email me if you need any further information.

Lots of lovely happy mail to share today starting off with some quilt tops from Jillmaree.  The first three are great quilts using panels.  The colours in this one are much more vibant than in the photo.

This one came a long at the right time and has already been sent off to be quilted by Debbie in QLD.

The photo doesn’t do this one justice either.

And finally Jillmaree sent this one in – a combination of all sorts of bits and pieces.  My favourite kind of quilt.  “Scraps” all the way and so interesting!

Sue N (SA) has sent another couple of her great scrap quilts in.

Millie has been stitching away and sent in five sturdy laundry bags

back to Jilliann for some BOM blocks and 

Also some from Meg.

That is it for tonight.
Till next time………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    Love the yellow ribbon idea too. Will have a look to see if I have some to do it as well.


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