HAPPY MAIL 21 September

Written by AHQ

21 September 2017

Thank you to all those who sew Blocks of the Month aka BOM.  

It’s always exciting to see how everyone interprets the colour/fabric requests each month.  
Earlier this year, one of the colour combinations I asked you to create the BOM with 
was quite tricky  and open to individual interpretation.  The truth is, we each see some 
colours a little different to other people.
There were two sets of blocks contributed that didn’t go well with all the others, so I put them aside and kept an eye on the Request List for a Request that was more suitable.  And then a Request in a recent List, asked for EXACTLY the colour combination that these two sets of blocks met to represent a favourite American sports team.  It was a joy to design a quilt with the Team’s logo and meet the Recipient’s Request and also use the beautiful blocks that two faithful BOM contributors had contributed.

Here are some recent deliveries to my letter box in Coffs Harbour

Irene H

Ally C

Linda L #1

Linda L #2

Glenda S

Jan A

And a few goodies from my letter box…. these laundry bag are from Jenny R

and from Echidna Sewing……

And from Joy C… 

and finally, Anne G dropped off the following bundle, two quilts and two laundry bags at Penrith last week.

Thanks so much Anne.

Till next time.. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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