Farewelling the Aussie Invictus Team…. the photos

Written by AHQ

21 September 2017

I have already put up a few posts about farewelling the team but these are the pics that you may not have seen. 

The display table showing some of the things packed into the sports bags given to the team. 

The Minister for Defence presented each bag and then the competitors filed down the line to shake hands with each of us who represented organisations that had contributed to the contents.

Each competitor accepted their bag with a handshake from the Minister and then there was a photo op.   This time with Garry Robinson, our own Invictus Warrior. We have been cheering Garry on since his first games and for those who do not know, Garry is one of the reasons I started Aussie Heroes. 

The Minister gave a terrific heart felt speech.

Vice Chief of the Defence Force addressed the team 

We all filed out to have a group photo taken. 

After lunch the competitors started to delve into their bags and pull out their laundry bags. 

Davin was THRILLED with his bag… “They even included wheelchair boxing!”
All that painstaking research paid off!

Ian just loved his bag.  He came over to say thank you but then said he was really quite overwhelmed.  

Here’s our own Invictus Warrior Garry… 

Another very happy recipient Christopher also loved his bag. 

This lovely young man, Wade, was a delight and he was really thrilled with his bag.  He told me that, thanks to the example his father set, he believes that it is appropriate to send a hand written letter to say thank you.  I bet your Father would be so, so proud of you Wade, and not just for your commitment to saying thank you the old fashioned way.  It was an absolute pleasure to meet you. 

Jason was thrilled with his laundry bag.  His quilter, Ally, did lots of research  and his bag has lots of meaning.  It is safe to say he was blown away by it. 

In a book I was presented on the day the profiles of the competitors are listed. In Craig’s it says his greatest achievement to date is

While touring the battlefields of Northern France in 2005 I walked with a mate from Albert to Pozieres and we arrived at the cemetary at Pozieres just as the sun was coming up over the horizon, it just make the whole experience awesome” 

Ally’s representation of the sunrise over the cemetery made the laundry bag awesome!
Absolutely brilliant Ally!

Helen had met Garry and Katrina once before at a concert so it was nice to catch up again.

It was lovely to meet the Minister for Defence. This is one lady I would love to sit down and share a cuppa with.

Till next time…. GO TEAM AUSSIE


Jan-Maree xx

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