Happy Mail 16th April

Written by AHQ

16 April 2014

Hi all, Caroline here.

I have a few reminders for everyone before we get into the Happy Mail.

Could anyone doing blocks for JM can you please get your Red & White (St George) and Blue & White (Canterbury Bulldogs)  blocks in the mail asap.  Jan Maree is also looking for a couple of lovely volunteers to sew these 2 quilt tops together, so if you are interested please send her an email.

If you are looking for an easter project for the long weekend, don’t forget you could help out and cut some star blocks for Harold.  Read about it here

Jan-Maree is have a well deserved break over the Easter weekend, so tomorrow we’ll see the weekly dispatch post and then she’ll be back blogging again on Tuesday.  If you have something you have posted off please get your pictures tonight.

Lots of Happy Mail to report this week, this first group from JM’s post box.  .

First 2 from Alicia N

These 4 from Anne H
Great blocks from Katrina
Lovely lot from Liz J

Great embroidery sent in by Cynthia M

Awesome Laundry bag from Sandra P
Great Quilt Top from Cath W

More lovely blocks from Dorothy C

Great bunch of 7 Laundry bags from Robin

2 lots in my PO box this week.
Lovely One Stripes from Judy C ….Looking good  
Great Wonkies here from Catherine S.

Thanks everyone for all your help.  Have a Happy Easter and I’ll be back next Wednesday with some more pretties from the Post Office.
Happy Stitching.

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