Grati-Tuesday 7 October

Written by AHQ

7 October 2014

Hi all,
Some lovely thank you messages to enjoy tonight but first a few announcements. The next sewing day at my home will be on Thursday the 9th (this Thursday) starting around 10am.  BYO Machine and lunch and I provide the rest.  Please let me know if you are interested in coming so that I can be prepared.  

The next sewing day in Penrith will be Sunday the 19th of October.  Again please BYO Machine and lunch and I provide the rest.  Please let me know if you are interested in coming (even the regulars) so that I can be prepared.  

Finally the big date that needs to go in your diary,especially if you are in the East Coast.  Our Christmas Dinner will be held on Thursday the 11th of December at my home.  It will be a pot luck (coz as much as I love you all I am not cooking for you all!!!).   Please write the date in your calendar! 

 11 December!

and now to some thank you messages!


Dear Kate,

I would just like to say a big thank you for my wonderful quilt. You would not have believed the smile it brought to my face when I received it through the mail. It has already been used and is very much appreciated.

Thank you once again for your continued support.



Hi Bev and Geoff,

I received my new fabulous quilt a couple of weeks ago. Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to create something beautiful for me. I had a smile from ear-to-ear and I was making sure everyone in the office was aware of my quilt. It is a welcomed addition to my room and it will serve me and my bed well over the next coming months whilst deployed (and even when I get back home).

Sewing is a passion of mine. Normally back home, I go a sewing class each Tuesday. Before I deployed I purchased all this beautiful nautical fabric to make myself a quilt for my bed but didn’t like the idea of having to do that fancy stitching but now I have a business card for your and your husband store…this has worked out perfect. After receiving your quilt, I have decided to make one for someone else who is deployed when I get home. Even though I am a Defence member, I am extremely proud to work alongside the other men and woman serving in Middle East.

Thank you again for the amazing quilt and in my eyes you are both heroes.

Kind regards,



I have recently received a laundry bag made by you, in the post. Firstly I would very much like to say ‘thank you very much’ for your efforts and thoughts, they are greatly appreciated. Your gift was the talk of the office yesterday afternoon.

Your continued efforts with providing handmade quilts and laundry bags to service personnel and to people in need, across the globe is remarkable.

 Your selfless positive attitude is very much the spirit and soul of the Australia that we strive to preserve. I have attached a photo of myself and your much appreciated laundry bag.

Hello Joanne B

I am sending a brief email to say thank you very much for the quilt and bag. It really means a lot to receive something in the mail on a deployment and your awesome products will serve me well!

I wish you luck with your soon to be thriving business and thank you again.

Kind regards, 

Hi Pennie,

This is just a quick e-mail to advise you that I recently received the care package sent by your daughter and yourself. I was blown away by the time and effort that must have been required in creating the laundry bag.  I’m certainly boasting that it’s the best laundry bag received to date.  I’ve attached a photo I had one of the guys take.

Aussie hero quilts does a fantastic job in supporting ADF troops on deployment and speaking with the soldiers that have received packages similar to my own, I know they are extremely impressed and thankful.  Gestures such as this do a great deal in increasing the morale of the soldiers, especially of late as they have been faced with a large increase in their work load, supporting operations within the Middle Eastern Region.

I trust your job is treating you well and and that your daughter, your grandchildren and yourself are well.

Thanks and regards,

Hey Jan-Maree

Thank you very much for my quilt it looks great. I received it a few days ago. Getting packages from back home is always a big morale boost for everyone on board and a thank you for taking the time to send one to me. If you could please pass on my thanks to Lynn, Robyn and Evelyn for their contributions that would be great. It is a fairly hot climate at the moment and the quilt is perfect for that as the ones we are issued are quite hot and make it diffucult to sleep in, so i am putting the one you made for me to good use.

A little about me i am originally from Perth, Western Australia and have been in the Navy for 4 and a half years. During that time i have deployed several times on different operations.  i do enjoy the travel i get to do with my job but you do miss home when i have been away for awhile and packages like yours always remind you of why you do it.

Again thank you for your efforts it is appreciated . Keep up the good work, all the quilts i have seen get delivered so far look great and are being well used!

Take Care

Dear Julie-Ann,

Just a quick note to pass on my gratitude and thanks for the fantastic laundry bag you made for me over here in Afghanistan. It was a wonderful surprise to see the “Australiana” theme applied to the bag and the thoughtfulness and effort gone into making the bag is really appreciated. It really is a morale boost to receive such lovely gifts from supporters back home.

Thank-you so much Julie-Ann, your kind gift will always be a small reminder of the good things – Australia, family and community spirit.


Dear Pam,

Thankyou very much for my laundry bag it looks great. I received it a few days ago.  Now i have an  apart from the rest of my shipmates which will make things go a lot smoothly haha. Always awkward when you end up with someone else’s laundry bag especially if it is someone from the opposite sex haha. Getting packages from back home is always a big morale boost for everyone on board and I thank you for taking the time to send one to me.
Again thank you for your efforts it is appreciated .

Kind Regards

Dear Jan-Maree and Belinda, I just wanted to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for my beautiful quilt. I had been really excited about receiving it, but never expected it to be as wonderful and perfect as it is. I love, love, love it.
From my favourite quotes on the back, the incorporation of Carlton, the anchors, the dogs, the stitching which are all cleverly done in dog paw prints and of course, the surprise picture of my beautiful furry baby who I miss everyday.   I know it was a joint effort between you, you both should be incredibly proud, as my quilt has become quite the show and tell item as people heard about it, they came up to my cabin to see it for themselves.  It is now proudly laid over my couch for all to see. Again, I cannot thank you both enough. You both make such an incredible difference to those of us away from home and serving our country. Kind Regards, 


Hello Erica
I am a member of the RAN and I am one of the very lucky recipients of one of your beautiful quilts.

I cannot begin to pass on how appreciative and how deeply grateful I am of your very kind gesture……..not only do we all acknowledge the time and effort you invest but needless to say, the quality of your work is superb.

People like your good self, humble us with such random acts of kindness and I only wish you could see the instant effect, a gift such as yours, has on us all.

Thank you once again for you lovely gift and please thank the Aussie Hero Quilt Program and Berrima Patchwork, for the wonderful work they do.

Many, Many, Thanks

Hi Pam,

I received my new fabulous laundry bag on Saturday just gone. Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to create something beautiful for me. I had a smile from ear-to-ear and I was making sure everyone in the office was aware of my laundry bag and that it had my name embroidered on it as well.
It is a welcomed addition to my room and it will serve me and my dirty washing well over the next coming months whilst deployed (and even when I get back home).

Sewing is also a passion of mine and after receiving my laundry bag I have decided to make one for someone else who is deployed when I get home. Even though I am a Defence member, I am extremely proud to work alongside the other men and woman serving in Middle East.

Thank you again for the amazing laundry bag and the touching letter and in my eyes you’re a hero!


Hello Erica
I am a member of the RAN and I am one of the very lucky recipients of one of your beautiful quilts.
I cannot begin to pass on how appreciative and how deeply grateful I am of your very kind gesture……..not only do we all acknowledge the time and effort you invest but needless to say, the quality of your work is superb.   People like your good self, humble us with such random acts of kindness and I only wish you could see the instant effect, a gift such as yours, has on us all.
Thank you once again for you lovely gift and please thank the Aussie Hero Quilt Program and Berrima Patchwork, for the wonderful work they do.

Many, Many, Thanks

and the same fellow sent the following message to Tamsin from Berrima Patchwork who facilitated Erica making his quilt.

Hi Tamsin

I am a member of the RAN and I am emailing you to pass on my sincerest thanks for the beautiful quilt I received last Wednesday.
As I have passed on to Erica herself, people and organisations like your own, are worth their weight in gold to deployed members
Let me assure you, your gifts are very much appreciated and bring instant smiles to all around.
Thank you also for the accompanying letters and postcard, it all brings home a little closer and reminds us that we are not forgotten.
Please relay my warmest thanks to all involved.
Very Best Wishes

Received my quilt in the mail today – looks awesome. Thanks to all at Aussie Hero Quilts (and Laundry Bags) for your continued support for our deployed personnel.

A special thanks to Tamsin of Berrima Patchwork and her two quality controllers Indianna and Pheonix.  


The following is a thank you message regarding a quilt by Katherine and  a laundry bag by Joan. I have shared it on the Facebook page but did not want the non-Facebookers to miss out.

To the lovely people making these quilts.
Our son, a soldier in the Australian army serving in Afghanistan from October last year, received a quilt from you wonderful people with Australian cricketers one side, batman on the other. He also received a lovely laundry bag with musical instruments in the pattern blue lining. Today he showed them to us and asked that my wife and I now look after them for him.
He has done 2 tours in Afghanistan 2010/11 and 13/14 being away a total of – almost 15months. He returned safely in early July but his trunk with the quilt, sheets, and other personal items only arrived back this week when he was able to show it to us.  My wife and I are so sincerely grateful that you wonderful people have done such loving beautiful, thoughtful gifts for our son. We wish to express our most sincere thanks to all of you and especially to the people who made these for him.
Our most sincere thanks for your love and hard work for what is to you an unknown soldier, to us our greatly loved oldest son.  He is rather slack, so not sure he sent any thanks, but take it from his parents, lack of communication does not mean he is not truly appreciative of your gifts. He was certainly proud of them.

Till next time……………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!


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