Grati-Tuesday 12 May 15

Written by AHQ

12 May 2015

G’day all.

Just to let you know that we have run out of our Aussie Hero Patches but more are on order. Not sure when they will arrive but will let you know when I do.  We have lots of the pins left though so if you would like one please just contact Joan as per here and she will sort some for you.

and now for some awesome thank you messages….

HMAS Success has entered the last few weeks of their deployment so the Warrant Officer has reminded them to let me know if they have received their quilts hence number of messages addressed to me below.

Hi Jan-Maree and helpers,

I just wanted to say thank you to all those involved in making my beautiful bright yellow, bee theme quilt.   I love it! They say yellow brings the feeling of happiness and they sure are right about that.  Our mess has very good air con so even in the hot climate I can still make use of my quilt.

Thank you once again for all you do 🙂


G’day Jan-Maree

                                   Just a note to say thank you and that I have received my quilt. Elsie did a fantastic job and I really appreciate the sentiment, time and effort that went into it’s creation. I have written to Elsie to express my thanks.  I also would like to thank all those involved in the ANZAC Centenary quilt.  I was very privileged to be one of the members of the SUCCESS crew to sign it.




I was absolutely amazed at how wonderful my quilt is – quite fascinating too that shark material was used as sharks appear on the Navy Dental Branch logo 🙂

I love dolphins too and the tie-die/water colour effect material on the front is just beautiful.

I have used it on my bed almost every night as I get very cold on the ship.

Thank you so much. This will likely be my only deployment. I will treasure my quilt forever and it will be something I can show everyone who visits and a reminder of my deployment.

Here is a photo of the sick-bay team with our quilts (I’m on the operating bed)



I am on HMAS Success. I have recently received my Aussie Hero Quilt and I am over joyed with it. 

I asked for the Brumbies rugby logo and that is exactly what I got. The quilter said it was a bit rough but that’s how you know it is hand made. 

I think the quilt is perfect and as I sailed from Sydney I left my wife to look after our two children the youngest my son was only 1 month old. He will be 7 months old on my return and the quilt will become his. It will be in the family for a long time.

Please pass on my thanks and appreciation as the quilt I received is better than I could have hoped for.


Good afternoon Jan-Maree, 

I hope this email finds you happy and healthy. 

My apologies for the delay in writing this email, I don’t think that there are any words that I could write down here that would live up to just how grateful I am for the quilt that I was sent. It is one of the most beautiful things that I have seen crafted. 

I asked for a Labrador theme quilt, the main reason being that I had to say “see you in a while” (not goodbye) to my yellow Labrador Macie to depart on this deployment.  She has been through everything with my partner and I, both the good and the bad. So I just wanted something that would remind me what I had to look forward to when I got home. The quilt has done this perfectly, and I can’t thank you and your quilter’s enough. 

Please keep up the work, you have no idea how morale boosting your work is for deployed sailors. 

Kind Regards 


Hi Joan and Robin,

I would just like to say THANK YOU so much for the awesome laundry bag that you sent me, and that I am in love with the colours and the pattern. I am a person that needs lots of colour in my life and so it suits me perfectly!
It is nice to receive such a practical gift whilst over here, and I’m so glad I can now stop using my broken eco bag as a laundry bag (its handle broke off due to over-use)!
I wish I could put in to words how much people such as yourself are appreciated by us over in the middle east, but I don’t think there are enough words. Just know that you definitely are.
I have attached a photo of myself with the laundry bag for you, and thank you again for the lovely gift.

Kindest regards,


I may have shared this email before but I now have permission to share the photo so thought a re-run was in order.  

Dear Deborah,
I would like to say that I have received my quilt and it has passed all exceptions. It’s amazing!!
I can’t thank you enough, and how much I like it. You’ve out done yourself and I especially like the ducks, one of my favourite pictures.
I’m using it now at the moment as a blanket for my bed as it’s getting quite hot over here (40+) and I have the perfect spot for it, when I get home.
This is my first time deployed and it has been an experience so far, I’m about half way through and should be getting home around August, the trip being about 6 and a half months all up.
I’ve attached a picture, obviously that’s me and the lovely quite. But the ANZAC plaque is a plaque that the metalsmiths had made up for the centenary of ANZAC day and the rotation I’m a part of which is FSE-2 (Force Support Element 2).
I hope that when you read this that you are having a lovely day and if you are not make sure you do for me. I’ll say one more thank you and how much I appreciate your hard work on something that others can enjoy so much.


          Hi Sue and Caroline,
I just wanted to get in touch to say thank you very much for my lovely laundry bag which arrived this week, it is fantastic. I have been a huge fan for several years now of the work undertaken by Aussie Hero Quilts and the support they provide to ADF deployed personnel through the laundry bags and quilts. This is my fourth deployment since joining the navy and the first time that I have requested to be considered for a laundry bag and quilt.

As you can imagine the laundry service here in Afghanistan is pretty rudimentary and we sometimes wonder if our uniforms are any cleaner when we get them back than when we put them in for washing. For this reason I think i’ll keep my laundry bag for my next Australian ship as I don’t want them to destroy it!!

I am a navy clearance diving officer by qualification which includes explosive ordnance disposal, so I am working in the counter improvised explosive device section in the Resolute Support Headquarters. Our main jobs are to advise and mentor the Afghans on equipment, training and leadership against IED’s to make their security forces better at dealing with these devices to reduce military and civilian casualties and make the insurgents less effective in their attacks across the country. It is challenging work but we are slowly making progress that will hopefully leave them in a sustainable situation to continue to deal with the IEDs as the coalition forces draw down.

The effort that goes into the laundry bags and quilts that we receive over here is amazing and your work really does make a difference for those of us deployed away from family and friends.

 I hope you are both keeping well and that Hunni is getting some good wear out of her camouflage coat

Good evening Sue!

I just received your quilt today! It’s amazing and I just wanted to thank you so much for all the time and effort you put in to doing what you do for others. I love the little drawings you did on the quilt and the colours are awesome 🙂 I’ve already put it on my bed…okay and I have already stuffed my face with the Tim Tam too haha. 

I see that you also are a cat lover! I too have two beautiful cats called Charlie and Nina. Charlie is a Ragdoll and Nina is a DSH and I’m missing them a lot 🙁 they are keeping my partner company though so at least that’s something! 

Once again thank you so much for the quilt, This has definitely made my day and I appreciate it more than you know 🙂 
Take care and keep up the good work!

Hi Helen,

I want to thank you very much for your wonderful laundry bag and snacks.

I have hung the bag up and look at it everyday, I don’t want to really use it since it looks so good.  You must of gone to a lot of effort, especially the AC Milan symbol.

I’m not sure if you know but probably do, these bags and even the lollies cheer us up.

Its good knowing people are thinking of us.

When I showed everyone the bag they were quite impressed much like myself. 

I showed the picture of “In Flanders Field” to the people I work with and they all said thank you for your efforts in raising money for Defence Welfare.

Anyway have to get back to work.


Hi  Deborah,

 I Just wanted to say thank you very much for my quilt. The work you guys do is certainly appreciated by all over here and is a great morale boost for us. 

I certainly appreciate the effort you have put in. I really like your addition of the poppies especially with the centenary of ANZAC day this year which must be very special to you considering your Grandfather. I was also fortunate to deploy previously with 2/14 LHR and wore the “kangaroo” feathers so the quilt fits in well.

Once again thank you very much
Till next time……keep spreading the word and happy stitching. 
Jan-Maree  xx

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  1. barbara woods

    congrats , love what you do! be glad when their is no wars !


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