Canberra Catch Ups.

Written by AHQ

26 May 2016

Funnily enough I thought that this week in Canberra was going to be a bit quieter than my usual trips…. silly me!  The couple of hours that I have now will be about the longest I have had to sit at my laptop since I came down her  e….   

I wish I could bring you all along with me on these trips so that you could meet the people I meet as I go around.  I only have time for a brief wrap up today as I have about an hour and a half before I go out again ( I got a phone call).  

So…. here goes…..

Monday…… Up at o’dark hundred (ridiculous hour) to hit the road and drive to Canberra in time to drop my husband to work by 830.  A quick trip to our accommodatin in Mawson, courtesy of a friend who is on an overseas posting with DFAT (Foreign Affairs and Trade) and then off to my first appointment, lunch and a meeting to discuss our dinner this year. 

Start planning your trip to Canberra folks as we will be having our dinner at a Military establishment in Canberra sometime in October/November.   So far every military person I have met with, on hearing our plans for the dinner, has asked if they are allowed to come.  The level of enthusiasm for joining us is very high with everyone I have spoken to.  I would say there is a very good chance that recipients will out number quilters but hey, there are only 150 to 200 or so quilters and well over 10000+ recipients so that is par for the course.

A number of recipients have become good friends over the years so with my husband in town also it has been a lovely opportunity to catch up with some of them and to introduce him. Monday night was dinner with an Army recipient. 

Tuesday morning start bright and early with a catch up at Brindabella Business Park with one of our quilters, Lisa R and no sooner had she ducked off than I was joined by a recipient who was collecting his quilt. 

One very happy fellow took possession of this quilt made by Lynn (with advice re badges etc from Arthur) and quilted by Tess.   This chronicles his family’s military history and is destined, not for the bed, but to be framed and displayed in pride of place in his soon to be built home.

Next I moved on to Poppy’s at the Australian War Memorial to catch up with another recipient.   This is one I have a bit of a soft spot for as he made a point of making sure his troops were looked after and I really appreciate that. Another one who said he would definitely be at the dinner if he can possibly make it.     I had an hour or so on the laptop and then off again to meet up with one of my contact over the last couple of years acts who is down here on course.  I was the afternoon study break for the day.  

Dinner on Tuesday night was another good friend, Air Force this time and also another “Am I invited to the dinner?”  

Wednesday saw me dropping my husband at the airport for business trip (yes the only week I could come down here to spend some time with him and he has to spend two nights in Adelaide for work!) and then I headed out to the Military Shop.  Guess what! They knew about us, have written about us in their newsletter and are keen to have some of our flyers to hand out.  I will be back in touch with them.

On to Poppy’s again, this time for a terrific meeting/catch up with a Navy member.  Another request to keep him posted with the date of the dinner so he can mark it in his diary as soon as he can.

I had a two pm meeting with a couple of keen new quilters to introduce them to the workings of Aussie Heroes and then on to meet another contact for dinner. Many of you who sent laundry bags to Butterworth over the Christmas period sent to this fellow. This was also the same fellow who spoke on the radio and was interviewed by Macca from Australia All-Over and gave us a thank you.

Today I headed back out to Brindabella Business Park and met up with an Army Warrant Officer, a previous Command Warrant Officer from Al Minhad Air Base.   We usually touch base when I come to Canberra if I can.  When she mentioned that she was meeting me for coffee (well hot chocolate in my case) another warrant officer came with her for the express purpose of being able to thank me in person what what we all do.  One of Debbie’s recipients, she said she has two children… and they are trying to decide who will receive her quilt and who would receive her medals in the will……perhaps a bit premature but it shows how much these quilts are valued!

Lunch was spend with several quilters in a cafe in Nichols that was (surprisingly) next to a quilt shop that we had to patronize just to support the local economy.  😀  

Lots of what has been achieved this week cannot be published on the blog unfortunately but lots of net-working and relationship building has been happening.  What I wish you could all experience is how appreciative people are of what we do…. and how willing people are to help if they possibly can.

Another quilt to deliver tomorrow and back home to Sydney tomorrow night. 

There is a sewing day at Penrith on Saturday.   We will get started at 10am.  Unfortunately I can’t stay the whole day as something has come up that I have to attend for Aussie Heroes… you will not believe what I will be doing……  you would not guess in a million years and I am rather wondering what I have got myself into.    

The things I do for Aussie Heroes! LOL  

But back to the sewing day Lisa K has offered to take over from me and pack everything up at the end of the day so it will all go ahead as normal.  

Now I better get started answering some of the emails that are piling up or I will never get to bed tonight

Till next time…………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Jacqui D

    Amazing is right, I'm exhausted just reading about your week and yes come hell or high water I'll be at the dinner :o) Safe trip home dear lady!


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