I normally only show quilts once they have been quilted and bound so that you don’t get bored seeing the same thing too many times.  But this time, because so many people had a hand in making this quilt I had to share it.  I am not going to name all those who contributed to this quilt as I will probably forget something and I think you can see your blocks clearly enough anyway.  
I just love it.  I asked a few people what colour I should use on the border and got so many different answers  but it was actually really helpful.  In the end that yellow and orange nine patch seemed to be calling to me – pick me, pick me! The yellow just seemed to be the right colour and when I put it up on the design wall it just seemed to work.  Hope you think so too.
I think this is going to be a gorgeous bright cheery quilt on a someone’s bed.  It will be layered on Wednesday I hope.  
Did anyone go to the post office today?  Leave a comment if you did and please don’t forget to send pictures.
Till next time……………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!