Grati-Tuesday 26 March 24

Written by AHQ

26 March 2024


Happy Tuesday Friends!

A great mixture of messages and photos in today’s blog. 

Hope everyone has a very safe and happy Easter long weekend.

Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some well deserved gratitude!

Hey Toni D,

First and foremost, thanks for the bag and the chocolates!
Absolutely love the bag and the choccies were all eaten by me as the rest of the senior sailors are on a health kick haha.
It was also nice to hear about your family, both being ex serving members I’m sure you have an inkling of what Navy life is like.
Myself and my wife have a 2 and a half year old boy, and a 3 year old doggo who manages to get her 45kg frame over the 6ft fence and out of the backyard every now and then.
Can’t believe you’ve let your son go Army though! Could’ve had a naval engineering officer to round out the family! Haha.
Little about me, I’m a PO Electronics Technician but I have my transfer in to go to Maritime Cyber Warfare. I’m sick of going to sea and missing the family and so I got my Masters in Cybersecurity and now I’m following that path, but rest assured the laundry bag will go ashore with me! 
Thanks again for the bag, cracking job and it’s already in use! (See picture)

Good Morning,

I recently received a hero quilt and I would just like to say a massive thank you. Emma G was the maker and she has gone above and beyond to exceed all of my expectations with this amazing quilt. 

I really appreciate it and I will cherish this for years to come.

Hi Jenni S, 

Recently my boss handed me a care package from you, and I have to be honest, it was one of the highlights of this Operation for me! Thank you so much for the personalised laundry bag and the treats, they really mean a lot and will definitely be used – I’m already tearing through the snacks! 
About me – I’ve been a soldier full-time for the last 4 years, enlisting straight out of high school and now living permanently in Townsville. I love my job, and the appreciation and care from people like yourself is really what motivates me to do what I do. 
Once again, thank you so much for your kindness Jenni – my gratitude is shared by everyone who receives one of your care packages. Take care and thank you once again. 

Warm regards, 

Hi Penny T,


 I have received your hand made quilt and laundry bag. It is absolutely amazing! Thank you so very much for the time, effort and contribution that you put into making it. I am certain to cherish both of these items with my family. 


Thank you also for enclosing a letter, it was great to read and gives us all something to talk about during long shift work hours. Yes, I do have two beautiful boys at home aged 5 and 18 months! They are gorgeous but I am biased haha. I also have my beautiful wife and our 11-year-old (still a pup to us) Border Collie-Retriever Leo at home doing a great job whilst I am away. The boys love watching Bluey the children’s TV show. Although I actually love it also as it resonates with parents/Australians. The boys will love the laundry bag to store toys and such I am sure of it!


The quilt is amazing and such a great memento to the time I have spent here on this Operation and in the Air Force. You just can’t buy anything quite like it if you tried. It is one of a kind and I appreciate it so much. Your creativity really stands out and so many people here have admired it. I was absolutely chuffed to get mail (I had no idea anything was coming, the mail system here is so slow due to customs) and I was walking around with a massive smile showing anyone who was available at the time. It now resides in my room as seen in the picture attached.


Thank you again for the amazing quilt and laundry bag. You all at Aussie Hero Quilts do a fantastic role supporting deployed members. I can honestly say it means so much to us who are away from family and our country to receive good will welfare packs and items from people in Australia who we will never meet.


Kindest regards,



Good Afternoon Emma G

   Thank so much for the laundry bag. I love it and is a nice reminder as you mentioned in the letter that people do care about the people deployed. 
   I, myself have been in the Navy for 13 years now and was the recipient of a laundry bag back in 2016 which was a pineapple design which gave me a nice chuckle. Unfortunately, I lost nearly everything I owned in a fire at the end of last year and that bag was one of the possessions I lost, so receiving a new one I do really appreciate it. 
  It is always nice to find a new skill that you enjoy especially one that is not related to work. Mine is an obsession with Espresso which was born during COVID and I still maintain. I just bought a professional Espresso machine for home to be able to improve my skills, so I hope that you do get your professional stitcher in the near future.
Thank you once again.
Kind Regards,

Dear Kathy W,
I hope this email finds you well. 
I nominated my husband, to receive one of the Aussie Hero Quilts back in December 2023, as part of their special offer to include past serving veterans. I wanted to do something nice for him, so jumped at the opportunity, and sent in the request. I am so thrilled with what you have created for him – thank you so very much!
The quilt arrived safely in the mail right before Damian left again for work (he works away 2/1) and did not get time to message you before he left, so has asked me to email you the following on his behalf:
Hi Kathy W,
Thank you so much for the quilt you have made especially for me. I really appreciate all the time and hard work that has gone into making it. It is a gift that I will treasure, and as a reminder of time served in the Navy. Thank you also, for the card you sent- I enjoyed hearing about you and your family.
I joined the Navy straight after I finished Year 12 in 1995, leaving home (a small country town in Victoria) for Recruit School.   I had postings in Sydney, Perth, Cairns and back to Perth, where I have remained since around 2003. I have seen and done many things and have some great memories of my time in the Navy. But best of all, were the friendships formed with fellow ship mates, some of which I am still in contact/friends with today. We all try to get together each Anzac Day, to march in the city parade, and then catch up afterwards for a beer or three. Our old Adelaide Crew is getting a little smaller though- having lost a old shipmate in 2020 after a long battle with a brain tumor, and another shipmate last October to kidney/liver failure. 
These days, I work in the Building and Construction industry and when I am home, I like to mow my lawns, work out in the garden, have a beer and in the wintertime, get a load of wood, have a bonfire and watch sport (particularly AFL and my beloved Essendon) 
I also have 2 children (son 16, daughter 12) who keep myself and my wife busy- especially when I am away for work.  
Once again, thank you so much Kathy for making the quilt for me. I absolutely love it. Thanks to all involved at Aussie Hero Quilts for all the work they have done, and continue to do, in making these quilts/laundry bags for our Defence Force members. 
Best Wishes

Until next week keep your letters, emails and photos coming in.  

Tuesday’s would be so totally boring without them!

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