Grati-Tuesday 5th July 2022

Written by AHQ

5 July 2022


Happy Tuesday Friends!

Hope everyone has had an awesome week!
I certainly did. Became a nanna for the first time to a beautiful little boy.  Even a five hour return trip did not deter me from meeting him! I am sure a lot of you know exactly how I feel! 
Have a look at the picture below. I think the recipient loved his quilt. What a gorgeous smile. Always great to see our hard work appreciated and a picture is definitely worth a thousand words!
So grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the gratitude letters below. 


Hi Ann S

 I was very pleased to receive my custom made Aussie Hero Quilt this week. The work that you have put into it, including meeting my design preferences, is incredible! I was beyond shocked at the intricacies of your work. To believe that you were able to do so much with a single shirt is amazing.


I also enjoyed reading your letter about where you and your family are from and your love for your grandchildren. They all sounds like great Aussies! I particularly liked reading about your father and his time in New Guinea. I have been to PNG twice myself. The second time I was luckily enough to be selected to walk the Kokoda Trail. This experience was especially special as I had a fantastic guide who spoke in great detail and with great passion about the Diggers who fought there so valiantly.


I thank you again from the bottom of my heart and commend the work that you and other volunteers at Aussie Hero Quilts do.


Thank you!


Hi Heather B, 
I LOVE the laundry bag you made for me….every time I walk the passageway on ship to laundry at least 3 or 4 people comment.
The vibrant colours are perfect, I really like the Navy Health Services emblem and ‘Nurso’. So well made and fully lined.
Thank you so much greatly appreciated.
Kind regards, 


Hi Gayle W,

I was so honoured to receive my quilt this week that you made for me! It is so beautiful and I am just in love with it. It matches perfectly with my pink walls! 
I was also thrilled to receive your handwritten note and learn a little about the wonderful soul who took the time to create this quilt for me. Sounds like you keep very busy and admittedly I am a bit jealous of you living in Qld (where I grew up) and enjoying a much milder winter than what we experience here in Canberra! While our winter days are usually sunny and beautiful, they are very chilly so we spend lots of time indoors. Lucky for me I have a new quilt to keep me warm while I watch my favourite shows 🙂 
A little bit about me, I am a solo mum of three teenagers who are my world. I have two beautiful boys and a daughter. Challenging times these teen years but I wouldn’t swap it for anything. I am taking them to the Gold Coast in a couple of weeks for school holidays and we are all very much looking forward to a break and some warmer temperatures.  We also have a little dog (who loves my new quilt too). 
You did a wonderful job of creating my quilt. I had a beautiful May Gibbs book when I was younger (goodness knows where it ended up) so I was excited to see the gumnut babies on my quilt. And the lambs are so sweet! The significance of them is that I moved my little family out of the Canberra suburbs to live rurally for 18 months, just for the experience before the kids hit their teens. It was great timing as we had plenty of space and distance from people when we were forced to stay home during the peak of Covid. We had three sheep that came with the property we rented. The sheep were great fun and little did we know that 2 were pregnant when we arrived. That was a surprise leaving for work one morning, a couple of months after moving in, and seeing a brand new baby lamb amongst them!  Anyway 3 turned into 5 and after several escapes, 5 unexpectedly turned into 12 with three sets of twin lambs being born a few weeks before we left. We also ended up with a poddy lamb that we hand raised and was more like a pet dog than a sheep! She was the best and so funny – a great experience for the kids to have a pet sheep that would come when she was called and follow them around. The dog and sheep loved to play together and chase each other  – until the sheep got a bit too big and rough for that! My love for sheep has grown from that experience and one day I would love to live rurally again. It was so peaceful 🙂  Your acre sounds idyllic. 
In the meantime it is a few more years in the ‘burbs for us here until the kids are finished high school and then I can look at moving somewhere a bit warmer with a bit more space. Lots to look forward to!
I just wanted to let you know that I had received my quilt and how appreciative I am for it. It really made my week. Time now for me to get on and do my preps for the week ahead. I find the best way to manage (and stay sane) is to be as organised as possible. Thank-you again for the beautiful quilt. 
Have a wonderful week!


Hi AHQ! 

Just letting you know that my laundry bag so kindly made by your team is finishing up a four week UN course with the German Army. Has definitely garnered some great interest!  Thank you for everything you do. It’s like bringing some home away with me. I’ve had this bag since 2017!


Hi Jan-Maree, Wendy V, Allison F and Inge C,


My wife and I are delighted to receive this quilt and could you pass on our appreciation to the girls involved in its making and to your team for the great work in support of returned service men and women. I did national service 1966/68 and served in 7RAR on their first tour of Vietnam.

Last weekend we were visited by a friend’s son in law and his ex-army mate. They very kindly arranged for me to receive one of your quilts.


I think the inclusion of your letter of explanation is a great idea and makes it so easy for us to reply and express our thanks. Our best wishes to you and your team.

 Kind regards



A Vietnam Vet with his wife and organiser of his quilt. From the gorgeous smile on his face I think he liked it! 



An Invictus Games competitor with his quilt by Sue-Ellen S

I hope everyone is fairing well in the Flood affected areas.  

Keep those letters, emails and photos coming in.

Nothing better than reading joyful messages on a cold wet rainy day!




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