Weekly Dispatches 18 October

Written by AHQ

18 October 2013

G‘day all.  Welcome to Weekly Dispatches for another week. 

 The tally so far.  

27 quilts this week and 19 laundry bags.   

 1167 quilts and 2111 laundry bags for 2013.  

   2175 quilts and 3477 laundry bags in total.  

This quilt top was donated by Julie R, was quilted by Stephanie and bound by Leesa.

Just have to show you the backing – love it with this front.

Of course then the quilt was subjected to rigorous quality control testing by Leesa’s youngest and I am pleased to say that it passed to a high enough standard to be sent off to one of our Heroes!

This top was put together by Naomi and friends in SA from BOM blocks, then quilted by Stephanie in Sydney and bound by Leesa in Brisbane.  That is what I call teamwork!
Quilt top made by me, quilted and bound by Debbie!

Ann made this one and I just want to point out that it is a gorgeous example of a simple strippy quilt.  Don’t under-value these quilts.  They are loved every bit as much as the “fancy” ones and are a great way to make a personalised quilt quickly and easily.

I have been holding this one for while.  This was made from BOM blocks, pieced during a sewing day in Penrith and quilted by Stephanie. I have been waiting for the right recipient to come along and come along they did.  Hope they like it.  

Esther made this set.  If I am not mistaken this is her  first AHQ and laundry bag.  No pic of the laundry bag in case he sees his name!!  Check out the quilting – majorly jealous here.  I wish I could do that but I am so pleased that there are some quilters who can do it for our guys and girls.

And another of Esther’s quilt and laundry bag sets.  Again I can’t show you the laundry bag for fear of giving the game away but again,

 Check out the quilting!
 Jeann has been hard at work again.  Love this split personality quilt!

Can you believe that the tigers are facewashers, washed and pre-shrunk!  Great idea.

Jenny and Gale have been at it again.  As luck has it, this quilt is off to a fellow who tells me that his Grandmother is a quilter so he will give this quilt a good home.

This is Jenny G’s work.  A very special quilt with a lot of meaning for its recipient.

 Last Sunday in Penrith Chelly helped me to finish a batch of laundry bags. I had cut them out and ironed on the applique beforehand.  I finished the applique on most of them and Chelly sewed them up.  Couldn’t have got through them without you!  🙂

Last sewing day at my home Clare and Dasha put this quilt top together, in spite of having to deal with a couple of cutting errors on my part.  Debbie then finished it off with quilting and binding and it hit the mail.  Kim, you might see some of your navy blue nautical material in there from all those bags you donated!  🙂



Lenore emailed me a while ago with a special request.  

“There was an article in our local newspaper a month or so ago, about a local woman who was serving in the Army in the UAE.  This amazing lady was my daughter’s pre-school teacher (my daughter is now 28!) and when her son joined the army so did she!  I would love to make her a quilt which maybe will remind her of her home town.”

I have removed some of the details for anonymity but I was able to confirm that the lady in question was already on my list and her request had already been allocated.  I checked with the quilter concerned and the quilt had not been started so responsibility was handed to Lenore.  Again, for anonymity’s sake I won’t show you a the Laundry bag but hasn’t she done a great job of the quilt!  I predict happy surprised tears when this box is opened and the accompanying letter is read. I think this will be much loved!

We have two Lisa B’s now.  The one to be known as Lisa B has made two great laundry bags to send off.
I hope you can read the words on the awesome pirate themed fabric inside.  Fun!!

And the Lisa B that we will know as LISA has made her first quilt.  Now do you remember that when she started to sew earlier this year Lisa had never even turned on her sewing machine.  It was still in the box.  In fact her deployed fiance thanked me for encouraging her to use it.  Did not take much encouragement let me tell you.  Here she is with her first quilt, completed all by herself.  I am so proud of you Lisa!  Her first foray into applique, quilting and binding.  I showed Chelly how to do the binding at a Penrith sewing day and Chelly taught Lisa.  I was told they got a bit confused with the corners but went on to the tutorial on the blog and worked it out.  Great job girls!  And check out the kangaroo photo bombing the quilt!  Could a picture get more Australian?  I think not.

Liz has been at it again.  This is for a female but I suspect that once this hits the streets of XXX there will be a few hurried and plaintive requests from some aviation type fellows!

 And another of Liz’s quilts.
Rita M is back with a double sided quilt.  Rita makes it a challenge to herself to see how many of the interests and hobbies listed on a request she can fit into a quilt!

Tina is new to AHQ and this is her first quilt for AHQ.  Love it when I get an email from someone I have never heard from before and they have a quilt all ready to go!  🙂  And such a lovely quilt as well.

Well that is the show and tell for tonight. If you emailed me after 930am this morning with pictures for this post they did not make it as I am about to spend the day working with the ladies for the sewing day today.  Pictures that didn’t make it into tonight’s post will be up next week.

I hope you all made it okay with the fires last night and today. I know some of you have homes in the affected areas.  You have been in my thoughts.

Till next time………………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching!  JMxx

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1 Comment

  1. Jeann of Melton

    I am continually amazed at the variety of designs for quilts and the wonderful fabric for the quilts and laundry bags. A bit pat on the back to everyone!


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