G’day all. I hope you have had a productive weekend, or maybe yours was more relaxed and restorative. However yours was spent I hope it was enjoyable.
We had the sewing day in Penrith yesterday. We have a fairly small select group that attend the sewing days and whilst I am always happy to have a few more it is quite nice to have a couple of regulars that can be relied apon to turn up and get stuck in. For the last few months at Penrith two of the most reliable ladies have been Kiwi Karen and Rachel and they joined me again yesterday. The goal for the day was to whip up some funky laundry bags.
I had a few that were planned for specific requests and also wanted to make up a last box to go to HMAS Darwin. The chaplain tells me that one more box should just about do it so one more box it is, BUT as these will most likely go to guys or girls who have stood back and let others go first, I wanted to make sure they got extra funky ones. AND all the ones for HMAS Darwin have a patch that says “Wishing you Fair Winds and Following Seas” on them. Thanks to Michele for the embroidery!
Here is Rachel with some of the ones that she did.
This one, a cute Noah’s ark theme, was made by Kiwi Karen but I am not allowed to show her picture – or at least she grumbles at me if I do! LOL Incidentally, I bought this Noah’s ark fabric when my twins were babies! LOL who else has done that. My boys are nearly 18 years old now!
This is a spare one -love the lions!
The next three are specific requests and will also be hitting the mail this week.
Wish I could show you the other side of this one but I think the recipient watches the facebook page so I think it is best that I wait till it has been received.
I also thought you might like an update on the Mystery Quilts.
Lynn put these two together.
And Granny Smith, also known as Rita M put this one together!
Love the addition of the words and green dragons!
Any leftover blocks will be turned into laundry bags.
And now for the next Mystery Quilt. A few people have indicated that they are keen to get involved with a new one or two so this time we are going to do something a little special.
We are going to make a Wounded Warrior Quilt.
Everyone seems to like the stars so let’s go with that. Lets go for Aussie colours. Rusty reds and browns, gumleaf greens, blue sky, gum blossoms reds and golden sun.
Does that give you enough to go on. Aussie outback colours, earthy colours. You don’t have to use Aussie fabric but you can if you want to. I know the Aussie flag does not fit within those colours but it does not get much more Australian than that so if you want to include some flag fabric then go for it. If you want to applique or embroider something on your star then that is fine too.
As always please register for a block or blocks so that I know roughly how many are coming. You can make as many as you like. If we end up with enough blocks for more than one quilt that will be great. Please have all blocks in the mail no later than 26 May.
Hope you have fun with this.
Before I forget – the next sewing day at Penrith will be held on the 8th of June. There will also be a sewing day at my home next week. If you have a preferred day please let me know.
Till next time………..keep spreading the word and happy stitching! JMxx
Lovely work Ladies!
Fantastic laundry bags and quilts.