Legacy Week Talk

Written by AHQ

14 September 2015

Legacy Week Talk by Pennie

On Monday last week Marg R and I spoke with a select gathering (21 people) of the Senior Citizens group at Wakefield House in Morphettvale, SA. Our talk was part of their Legacy Week luncheon, and they were a very welcoming and attentive group who seemed to enjoy hearing all about Aussie Hero Quilts.

We set up a visual display of photos, as well as a couple of quilts and a laundry bag to illustrate the sort of things we make. There was even a “parcel of goodies” to show the sorts of treats we include with our quilts.

Marg and I had never met prior to today, so it was a delight to find that we were able to work harmoniuosly together to give this talk – very much in the tradition of Aussie Hero Quilts.
Some of the ladies suggested we might be interested in fabrics which had been donated by one of their members, for use in Aussie Hero quilts. We are hoping to collect these fabrics soon and see if they will be suitable, and thanked them very much for their generous offer.

The lovely people at the Community Centre have raised a combined total of over $900 to donate to Legacy. It was a pleasure to be able to spend time with others who care about the welfare of our Defence Force members and their families.



Thanks ladies!  Great job spreading the word and great story board Pennie!

Well done and thanks so much!

Till next time…………….keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree xx

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1 Comment

  1. Sue Niven

    A common thread and good will will always win out. Awesome stuff.


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