Happy Mail 21 October

Written by AHQ

21 October 2015

Hi all, 
Before this week’s happy mail, here are a few words from Sue G about Saturday night’s dinner.

Caroline & I would like to thank you for Saturday.

I won’t go into detail about the recipients’ stories, as there has been some lovely letters already.  What I would like to say is that it was such an emotional evening.
Chap. Mark brought many of us to tears, when he spoke of what his quilt meant to him, and how it brings him comfort when unable to sleep.

Chap Colin giving thanks to everyone involved in Aussie Heros for boosting the morale on his ship.

BC, who said that they were taught to show no emotion, but to concentrate on the task at hand.  Our gifts changed that, knowing that complete strangers care about them. 

On leaving, I had a big hug from Chap. Mark and BC with a big thank-you.

I didn’t personally make their gifts, but the THANK -YOU I got was for EVERYONE in Aussie Heros.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we don’t do this for the thanks.
For all our HEROS out there, we thank YOU for protecting us.

Sue G

Well said Sue. 🙂

And now thank you to the lovely people who sent in the following goodies.

Jill M for her four great quilt tops.

Maxine for her quilt 


Dorothy C


Till next time…………………keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

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