Weekly Dispatches 3 June 2016

Written by AHQ

3 June 2016

Winter is here officially and in Sydney at last, the weather for the weekend is set to let us know that in no uncertain terms. Lots of rain forecast for Sunday… looks like good sewing weather!  Shame!  

So far for 2016 we have sent off 1527 laundry bags 

which brings us to a total of  9347 since we started…


We have also sent 678 quilts 

bringing our total since we started to over 5933 quilts.

Alison McL

Anna N
Bev U
Black Head Beach Quilters had a sewing day and completed these two quilts from blocks they all made.
Carla S
Cheryle W
Debbie B

Deborah C

Di T

Dianna McI


Donna P

Helen W


Jo H (QLD)


June H

Kate K

Katie L

Katie and Lisa N

Kaye G

Lisa N and special guest quilter Mr H

Louise T

Lydia McK

Lynn Leonie and Julie Ann

Lynn S

Mary C

One of our Mystery Quilts, top pieced by Jean B and quilted by Jo H (NSW)


Raeleen W

Raelyne B

Rita M

Robyn W

Sue N

Sue S

Tracey N

Wendy F

 Great work everyone. 

Till next time…… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!
Jan-Maree  xx

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  1. Jacqui D

    Fantastic achievement! Beautiful work as usual ;o)


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