Injured on Duty……..

Written by AHQ

3 December 2017

Back in August CPL James Dwyer was on duty at the airport when an accident occurred leaving him with serious life changing injuries. 

On November 27 his Commanding Officer, WGCDR Godfrey,  presented an Aussie Hero Quilt to James.  CPL Dwyer, his wife Virginia and 27SQN are very grateful for the gift.  
This quilt top was made by Norma, was quilted by Alison C and bound by the WPH ladies. 

Well done ladies. 
Photo shared with their permission.

I know you will all join with me in wishing CPL Dwyer the best for his recovery and for the  future. 

Till next time…. keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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  1. Red

    Fantastic work as always! I know Jimmy appreciated the quilt.

  2. kiwikid

    Beautiful quilt, all thebest to CPL Dwyer and his family.


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