Last post office trip for 2017… I think…

Written by AHQ

21 December 2017

G’day All

I hope you are all heading in the right direction when it comes to being where you need to be for Christmas, whether that means heading home to join family, getting your shopping done or all that baking and so on. I have reached the point where I believe what is done will be done and what is not is probably not that important anyway.  

The WPH ladies and I had a last dash working day this week.   Jenny, bless her, again helped to pack up a stack of quilts and laundry bags to post off.  Bev U helped out and yesterday I loaded up another trolley load of parcels to take to the PO.   I am hoping I will fit in one more trip to the Post Office before Christmas but only if I get everything else done! 

The shredding was brought up to date and lots of things got tidied away. 
We also sorted out all the fabric we have on hand.   We get donations from time to time which are sorted into bins based (loosely) on colour.  The fabric bins were bulging so something had to be done.  We now have 6 scrap bags up for grabs.    These would make some great scrap quilts.  We would love it if some of you would volunteer to take a bag full of fabric (these are about the size of a 5kg satchel) and make a scrappy quilt or quilt top.  If you can’t find a request on the list that your scrap quilt works with you can send it to me and I will hang on to it til the right person comes along.  If you just want to make a quilt top that is fine too.  You can send it to us and we will complete the quilt.   SO, if you are interested please email me and let me know. It will be pot luck which one you receive. 

That is all for now… back to work for me. I want to catch up on emails and admin today so that I can shop, bake and sew tomorrow!  

Till next time…. happy shopping, sewing, baking and may the spirit of Christmas fill you with joy wherever you are…and if you are serving overseas or away from home, know that you are thought of and appreciated!

Jan-Maree xx

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  1. Jo

    Merry Christmas to all you Aussie Hero sewers, Jan Maree and most of all the Heroes themselves. Everyone enjoy and keep safe.

  2. Marianne Boot

    Thank you but no. Thank all your ladies and gentlemen who work in the background. There lots of faces behind the scenes!!! Merry Christmas to you all🎄🎄💕💕🦋🦋😘😘🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺


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