An Auction Quilt for 42for42…..

Written by AHQ

28 April 2018

Not too long ago I was asked by a friend to arrange a quilt to be made that could be auctioned at a lunch being organised by the 42 for 42 Charity to raise funds to create a memorial garden in Brisbane to honour our fallen who have died in Afghanistan.  

The poppies were sewn by the Mystery Quilt ladies who sew with Lynn and the rest of the quilt was put together in Penrith and finished off by the WPH ladies. 

The silhouette in the middle is based off a gorgeous photo taken by Army Photographer, Jake. We have used his photo a lot as it is just a stunning shot. 

From all reports the quilt was well received and whilst I am not at liberty to tell you how much the quilt went for, I was very happy with the price and feel we made a good contribution to the cause. 

The eventual owner of the quilt emailed me not long after receiving the quilt and wrote in part…

I bought your magnificent quilt at the 42 for 42 lunch on Friday . Just wanted to say thanks .… it will be properly revered and looked after 

All in all a good result I feel.

Till next time… keep spreading the word and happy stitching!

Jan-Maree  xx

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