Operation Mazurka Raffle Quilt

Written by AHQ

13 May 2018

I thought I had published this post already.. seems not but forgive me if this is a duplicate.

A little earlier this year I was asked if Aussie Hero Quilts would be prepared to provide a quilt that the team in the Sinai could raffle among all the coalition troops in location, as a fundraiser with all the proceeds coming back to us.   That was a great opportunity for us, as well as it being a good activity for those deployed in the Sinai.   Win Win.

I designed the quilt with Gail and Gail completed it.  I was really happy with the result.   Once it arrived in the Sinai, the word started to spread.  

In the end the quilt raised a respectable amount of $$$ for us and was won by a very happy Colombian Liason Officer. 

Good news with the raffle, USD 446 or, depending on the exchange rate at the time:

In the end the raffle raised a whopping….

Colombian Peso 1,216,777.20
GBP 318
Canadian Dollar 573
Uruguayan Peso 12,094
and Aussie dollars… $574… give or take once the exchange rate is worked out. 

In the photos you can see (on the left) the XO of the Colombian Battalion accepting the quilt on behalf of the Colombian Liaison Officer who won the raffle, who was on leave.   On the right we have the lovely Aussie Liaison Officer whose masterminded the raffle in the first place. 

I am told there are some very jealous unsuccessful coalition members. 

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